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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


It's been a long standing ask for XR to support conditional route advertisements in BGP.

The expected option of using the 

           if rib-has-route

option in RPL currently can only be used at the default-information originate attachpoint to conditionally advertise a default route out.


The actual request is documented under 

CSCue04899   Allow 'rib-has-route' for outbound rpl

there are some reasonable technical limitations as to why it has not happened yet, but there is a neat workaround that I would like to share that provides the exact same behavior!

Components involved

The logic of the workaround solution is as follows:

  1. In BGP one defines a network statement for the route that needs to be conditionally advertised. (One could possible instead of a network statement also use redistribute static with a route-policy using a  prefix-set)
  2. This network statement's prefix is defined as a static route under router static
  3. The static route references the outgoing interface Null0 and a object track definition
  4. The object track definition references something that you want to track.


The tracking options include:

  bfdrtr         track type bfd rtr

  line-protocol  track type line-protocol; the line protocol of an interface, this interface can be l2transport or an l3 interface of any kind

  list           track type list; this allows you to track other track definitions in an  AND or OR manner

  route          track type ipv4 route ; the presence of a route

  rtr            track type ipsla; an IPSLA probe to verify an end to end connectivity or port or anything that IPSLA can monitor!

Detailed Solution

This example talks you through a solution of using the BGP network statement, a conditional static route and the dependency  on an interface line state


Config pieces:

Static route that is conditional with a tracker called MYIF

router static
address-family ipv4 unicast Null0 track MYIF


Tracker MYIF that checks a lineprotocol state:

track MYIF
type line-protocol state
  interface TenGigE0/2/0/3


BGP configuration that advertises a prefix (that is now conditional)

router bgp 64524
address-family ipv4 unicast


Sample operation:

Tracking interface is DOWN:

LC/0/2/CPU0:Jun 12 09:41:33 : ifmgr[210]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to Down 
LC/0/2/CPU0:Jun 12 09:41:33 : ifmgr[210]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to Dn 


Verify the static route is not there:


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:A9K-BNG(config-if)#do sh route static | i 192.168.123

Wed Jun 12 09:41:18.977 EDT



Now bring up the interface, in this case it is not connected so i force it up with a loopback

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:A9K-BNG(config-if)#loop int


Wed Jun 12 09:41:33.044 EDT
LC/0/2/CPU0:Jun 12 09:41:33 : ifmgr[210]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to Up 
LC/0/2/CPU0:Jun 12 09:41:33 : ifmgr[210]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to Up 


Notice the tracker detects it and ups the object!

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 12 09:41:33 : object_tracking[359]: %SERVICES-OT-6-TRACK_INFO : track MYIF state Track_Up 


Verify the static route again:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:A9K-BNG(config-if)#do sh route static | i 192.168.123
Wed Jun 12 09:41:58.463 EDT
S is directly connected, 00:00:24, Null0


Interface that is tracked configuration. Note that you can also track l2transport interfaces!!

interface TenGigE0/2/0/3
 description InternalLoop-trackertest 
 loopback internal







Xander Thuijs, CCIE #6775

Distinguished Engineer ASR9000/NCS5500/IOS-XR




Level 1
Level 1


The track command is not available in the ASRs that I'm running. We have two ASR 9001 routers and this tracking feature would be very helpful. We are running version 6.4.2. What am I missing?


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:RH-R01#conf t
Tue Sep 8 08:41:38.456 EDT
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:RH-R01(config)#track ?
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
you may gave missed to load the mglb optional pie?
Level 1
Level 1

That was the issue. Thank you. I was not able to find what PIE was required in any of the documentation. 

Thank you for your help.

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