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Service Provider TweetChat

Topic: Mobile Monetization, Optimization, and Video Experience - What Does It Mean for Operators

Date / Time: March 17, 9-9:30 am PDT (12-12:30 pm EDT)

To join the chat, visit

The session will be hosted by @ciscospmobility managed by the Cisco Service Provider Marketing team.

  • Jon Morgan, Service Provider Marketing, Mobility, @Jamncl4
  • Brian Walsh, Mobility Marketing Manager, @BRWalsh
  • Kurt Rosenthal, Marketing Manager, @KurtCisco
  • Paul Sergeant, Mobility Marketing Manager, @PaulSAtCisco

One winner per tweetchat session will be randomly selected to receive an electronic copy of Mark Grayson and Kevin Shatzkamer's Building the Mobile Internet!

View the sweepstakes legal details (PDF)

TweetChat Schedule

  • Session #1 transcript. Thursday March 10, 9-9:30 am PST (12-12:30 pm EST)
  • Session #2transcript. Thursday March 17, 9-9:30 am PDT (12-12:30 pm EDT)

Questions / Comments?

Please email us at Feel free to send us questions before the event if you're unable to attend.

What is a TweetChat?

Tweet  chats are online conversations held at a pre-arranged date/time between  a group of Twitter users. Chats are uniquely identified by pre-defined  Twitter hashtag (such as #ciscospchat)  to identify the discussion thread. By including this hashtag in each  tweet, the conversation can be monitored separate from the larger  Twitter conversations.

How Do I Participate?

On the day of the event, login to and follow the #ciscospchat hashtag. To join the chat, visit

Alternatively,  you can use your favorite Twitter client (such as TweetGrid, TweetDeck)  or TwitterSearch to follow the chat hashtag #ciscospchat.  During the event, you can follow the discussion, contribute questions, and submit your own comments by using the same hashtag.

Join us on March 17, 9-9:30 am PDT (12-12:30 pm EDT)!

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