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PSS API Access



I want to access the Cisco PSS API. PSS API Developer's Guide (


Previously it was possible to create a Case for Accessing the API Request access to the PSS APIs - Cisco Community but this is no longer possible.


I tried to access the PSS API without this step, by following the steps in the Devoloper Guide above.

I get this error message:

User provided an invalid Global Ultimate Party Id or there is no partner associated with given Global Ultimate Party


Complete Error Message (Request is below):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">




            <faultstring>No partner available for given input parameter(s)</faultstring>


                <tns:InventoryServiceException xmlns:tns="">

                    <tns:InventoryServiceException xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:InventoryServiceException">

                        <ns2:MessageCause>User provided an invalid Global Ultimate Party Id or there is no partner associated with given Global Ultimate Party</ns2:MessageCause>


                        <ns2:messageDetail>No partner available for given input parameter(s)</ns2:messageDetail>

                        <ns2:serviceName>Inventory Service</ns2:serviceName>









POST /pss/v1.0/InventoryService HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: getCustomersInventoryIds
Authorization: Bearer correctToken


            <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:inv="">




                        <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->






This Request gets me an correct Token (above):

POST /pss/token HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded




I hope you can help me with the solution!


Thank you!

4 Replies 4

Not a expert here, but look like you need to open the case here


  1. To open a new case select > OPEN NEW CASE
  2. then in Products and Services select > OPEN CASE
  3. A new page will open to check Entitlement. (You will need to include an active PSS Contract Here) 
  4. On the new page enter >Title: Request access to PSS APIs and the API Console
  5. Enter Description: Provide a Brief description, Company Name and Location, and an active PSS Contract for your company. (Make sure you provide a PSS Contract Number in the description Support can verify)
  6. With the title and description complete, under Technology select > CISCO SUGGESTIONS
  7. Some options should be displayed base on the title. Choose the Option:  Smart Services Capabilities > SNTC Service API and PSS Smart API
  8. Then under Problem Area select > Choose a problem
  9. The window below will appear, and Select INSTALLATION, Configuration Assistance, then SELECT
  10. Now complete the rest of the form with your contact information, then at the bottom > SUBMIT 
  11. A new case will be created and you will receive an e-mail with your case information.
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Hello, the problem lies in step 3 Entitlement, you get a search mask where you need to find a product to progress further. Therefore I did not manage to include an active PSS Contract. 

I believe the Cisco Support Case Manager has changed and this way is no longer possible.

Have tried the same procedure with no luck. Need help to access PSS API?


Any other way to apply for access?


Arnt Mortensen

Level 1
Level 1

reviving this thread, I have the same issue and raised a TAC against an active contract to simply be told:

email this group:


I am about to do so but not holding out much hope, figured it was worth posting in case a web search brings anyone else here.