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Tomoo Esaka
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
This video provides an overview of the major enhancements Cisco has added to CCA 1.9, the configuration application for the Cisco Unified Communications 500 and other Cisco Smart Business Communications Systems (SBCS) platforms. This video introduces the following CCA 1.9 features: 1. SIP trunk 2. Customized dialplans 3. Call blast groups 4. Autoattendant
Level 1
Level 1

What kind of player do you use. I tried everyone of them and get no picture.


Andy Gribnau

I was able to play it using Quicktime on my Mac.

Marcos Hernandez
Technical Marketing Engineer
Cisco Systems, Inc.

Steven DiStefano
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

I tried Apple Quicktime on my Windows XP machine as well as Windows Media player, and neither one can see the video, only hear the content.

Quicktime offers a 'movie inspector' and I used it to see the encoding.

It is set to:

Format: tscc, 856x642, Millions

MS GSM 6.10, Mono, 22.050khz

The Free downloadanle VLC Player shows flashing video  with no audio (video cant be seen steady and also indicates an unsupported codec tscc)

I did a GOOGLE on this and found this is theTechSmith Screen Capture Codec used for primarily MAC OS.

But there was a Windows download and I tried it.

This allowed it to work for Quicktime Player.


Level 3
Level 3

This worked for me. Too bad it wasnt converted to a format that didnt require an specialized codec to play on Windows Media Player or Quicktime. I have found that many of these add-on codecs crash my players constantly...

Community Member

Hello community, first convert this AVI into FLV using WINFF ad run it with VLC, it will work without any problems

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