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Level 1

This document will show you how to use the RVS4000 and the WAP4410N together to create both a secure wireless network and a 'Guest' wireless network. The key to making this work is the use of VLAN's and the trunking capability of the RVS.

Community Member

Thank you for the guide, it helped a lot!

But one thing. If "Inter-VLAN Routing" is enabled then the guest network has access to the main network. Sure, they have to know the IP address, but that's not very secure. I disabled the setting and haven't noticed any problems yet, just the benefit of the guest network being completely isolated.

Can you confirm this or am I misunderstanding something here?

Community Member

This guide does not seem to make sense.  It talks about configuring the WAP, but the only thing mentioned is the RVS?

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for the comments. I just realized i need to proof my work much better. I'll post an updated version later today that will correct the typos. I'll test the Inter-VLAN routing too. I think you're right about that part Oyvind.



Level 1
Level 1

I'm trying to accomplish exactly what is described in this post but not having much luck.  I started by setting up the 2 SSID's and conencting to each - no problems and I was able to get to the internet on both.

Then I tried setting up the VLAN and have run into some problems. My "main" SSID works fine.  When I connect to the guest SSID I'm able to obtain an IP address from the correct range, but I can't get to the internet. This is probably something simple but I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.  Here's my configuration:


Firmware Version:

Port 2 connected to WAP4410N

DHCP Enabled on both VLANs

VLAN 1 Local IP:

VLAN 4 Local IP:

Inter-VLAN Routing: Disabled (**Have tried both Enabled and Disbled with the same results**)

Port 2 Mode: Trunk

VLAN Membership:

     VLAN 1/Port 2: Trunk/Untagged (1untag,4tag)

     VLAN 4/Port 2: Trunk/Tagged (1untag,4tag)

Firewall is setup with out-of-the-box defaults, everything is open. I tried disabling the firewall but received the same results.


Firmware Version:

SSID 1 - default:

     Wireles Isolation: (between SSID): Enabled

     Security Mode: WPA2-Personal

     Wireless Isolation (within SSID): Disabled

     VLAN ID: 1

SSID 2 - guest:

     Wireles Isolation: (between SSID): Enabled

     Security Mode: Disabled

     Wireless Isolation (within SSID): Enabled

     VLAN ID: 4


Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here??

Community Member

Just to verify, you have two VLANs, one with ID 1 and one with ID 4?

And your WAP4410N is connected to port 2 on RVS4000?

With the exception of using other VLAN IDs (1 and 2 instead of 1 and 4) and a different port (4 instead of 2) my settings match what you have written.

Other VLAN settings I have on WAP4410N is:

VLAN: Enabled

Default VLAN ID: 1

VLAN Tag: Untagged

AP Management VLAN: 1

VLAN Tag over WDS: Disabled

Level 1
Level 1

Yes, that's correct.  Looks like the other settings match my configuration as well.

Can you confirm that you have the same firmware versions?

RVS4000 Firmware Version:

WAP4410N Firmware Version:

Level 1
Level 1

I was able to get this working as desired. 

First I tried upgrading firmware on both the router and WAP, but that didn't seem to make any difference.

Then I noticed that when I connected on the guest network, even though I couldn't get to the internet through a browser, Windows networking said I had internet access.  Then I realized that if I tried to get to an internet site by IP address, it worked. I took a closer look at what DHCP was giving me for my IP configuration and noticed I was getting the correct IP address and DHCP server (192.168.4.x) but my DNS server was

On the router I went into LAN settings, switched to VLAN 4 and specfied a static DNS address of  That did the trick.

One other change - I noticed I could still get to "private" network resources from the guest vlan so I went into Advanced Routing and disabled Inter-VLAN routing.

Everything now appears to be working exactly the way I had hoped.

Community Member

Good to hear you got things working.

Regarding inter-vlan routing it's reassuring that you got the same result as me. Then it isn't just me...

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