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Article ID:22

HDD SMART on the NSS300 Series


HDD SMART enables users to monitor hard drive health, temperature and usage status. You can also run immediate hard drive tests, schedule regular tests and configure a temperature alarm.

This document gives an overview of the HDD SMART monitoring system on the NSS300 Series Smart Storage devices.

Applicable Devices

  • NSS300 Series Storage Device


Choose Disk Management > HDD SMART using the NSS Discovery Tool or the Management GUI. Select which hard disk you wish to view information for from the drop-down menu.


This tab shows the current status and the most recent test of the selected hard disk. The following information is displayed:

Hard Disk Information

This tab shows specific hard drive information.

  • Hard Disk Model - The model of the selected hard disk.
  • Drive Capacity - The total capacity of the selected hard disk.
  • Hard Drive Health - The operational status of the hard disk.
  • Hard Drive Temperature (°C or °F) – Choose either °C or °F from the drop down list.
  • Test Time - The amount of time the test took. It will not show a time if no test was performed.
  • Test Result - The result of the test. 'Not tested' will be displayed if no test was performed.
  • Hard Disk Model
  • Model Number
  • Serial Number
  • Disk Capacity
  • Firmware Version
  • ATA Version
  • ATA Standard

SMART Information

This tab shows specific operating values such as spin-up time, power on hours and cycles, temperature and error rates.


This tab allows you to run an immediate test on the selected hard disk. Choose either Rapid Test or Complete Test and click the Test button. The progress will be displayed as a percentage and the Status will reflect the results of the test once it is complete. A Complete Test is more thorough than a Rapid Test, but will take longer.


– Check Enable Temperature Alarm and choose a temperature value to record an error message when the hard disk temperature exceeds that limit.

  • Enable Temperature Alarm — This tab allows you to set a temperature alarm and schedule regular hard disk tests.
  • Enable Rapid and Complete tests — Allows you to set up a time and frequency to schedule periodic Rapid Tests and or Complete Tests. The results of the most recent test will be displayed in the Summary tab.

– Check Enable Rapid Test and/or Enable Complete Test and choose the frequency of the automatic tests and the time you want them to occur.

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