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Article ID:2934

Power On Remotely the NSS300 Series Network Smart Storage Using NSS Discovery Tool


This document explains how to power on remotely the NSS300 Network Smart Storage using the NSS Discovery Tool. The Wake on LAN feature of the NSS300 has the ability to power on the Cisco Smart Storage device remotely via a software. This article may be very helpful when trying to remotely power on the device using software.

Note: In order to power on the NSS300, both computer and the device should be in the same local network.

Applicable Devices

• NSS300

How to Power on the NSS300 Remotely

Configuration Wake on LAN

Step 1. Use the Network Storage Configuration utility to choose Administration > Power Management. The Power Management page opens:

Step 2. In the Configure Wake on LAN section, click Enable to enable the Wake On LAN functionality. The Wake On LAN allows a computer to be turned on by a network message.

Note: Make sure no firewall is blocking the Wake On LAN function on the PC.

Step 3. Click Apply to save the changes.

Configuration of NSS Discovery Tool

The NSS Discovery tool is a software used to power on the the NSS300 remotely. The PC with the NSS Discovery Tool installed should be connected to the Internal Network via switch to the NSS300.

Step 1. In the NSS Discovery Tool menu, choose Tools > Wake On LAN. The Wake On LAN window opens.

Step 2. Enter the MAC address of the NSS300. The NSS should boot within minutes depending on the configuration and HDD count and size.

Step 3. Click Wake Up to power on the NSS.

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