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Article ID:1809

SSL Secure Certificate & Private Key Settings on NSS300 Series Smart Storage Devices


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) provides communication security over connections. To have this security, the user must have a certificate for this protocol. Private key allows data to be encrypted by one key and decrypted only by the other key pair.

This document explains how to edit SSL secure certificate and private key settings on the NSS300 Series Smart Storage devices.

Applicable Devices

• NSS322
• NSS324
• NSS326

Download Certificate and Private Key

Step 1. Choose Administration > Security > SSL Secure Certificate & Private Key using the NSS Discovery Tool or the Management GUI..

Step 2. To download certificate, click Download certificate.
Step 3. To download private key, click Download private key.

Restore default certificate

Step 1. Choose Administration > Security > SSL Secure Certificate & Private Key using the NSS Discovery Tool or the Management GUI..
Step 2. Click Restore default certificate.

Step 3. A screen will pop up asking to confirm the restoration, click OK.

Upload New Certificates

Step 1. Choose Administration > Security > SSL Secure Certificate & Private Key using the NSS Discovery Tool or the Management GUI..

Step 2. Enter certificate in the Certificate field.
Step 3. Enter private key in the Private Key field.
Step 4. Click Upload.

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