On the RV180 and RV180W VPN Routers, an administrator can adjust time settings. The administrator can either use Network Time Protocol or manually set the time. NTP allows a device to be connected to an NTP server thereby allowing the NTP server to update the clock of the device. This article explains how to configure date and time settings with NTP on the RV180 and RV180W VPN routers.
Applicable Devices
• RV180
• RV180W
Steps of Procedure
Step 1. Use the web configuration utility to choose Administration > Time Settings.
Step 2. From the Date/Time drop-down menu, choose a time zone.
NTP Server
This procedure shows how to configure the clock of the router to use an NTP server.
Step 1. To the right of Clock Source, click the Use NTP Server radio button.
Step 2. To the right NTP Server Settings, click a radio button.
• Default NTP Server — This option allows the user to choose a default NTP server from the Default NTP Server drop-down menu.
• Custom NTP Server — This option allows the user to enter a web address for an NTP server in the Custom NTP Server field.
Step 3. Click Save to save changes, or click Cancel to discard them.
Manually Set Date and Time
This procedure shows how to configure the clock of the router manually.
Step 1. To the right of Clock Source, click the Set Date and Time Manually radio button.
Step 2. Choose the date and time from the Date and Time drop-down menus.
Daylight Savings Time
The router can be configured to keep track of daylight savings time. This procedure explains how to configure the clock for daylight savings time.
Step 1. To the right of Adjust for Daylight Savings Time, check the Enable check box to enable daylight savings time.
Step 2. From the Daylight Savings Offset drop-down menu, choose a time in minutes to offset the clock for daylight savings time.
Step 3. From the From drop-down menu, choose a date to start daylight savings time.
Step 4. From the To drop-down menu, choose a date to end daylight savings time.
Step 5. Click Save to save changes, or click Cancel to discard them.
RV180W setting the NTP time server to ntp.metas.ch has no effect. Changing to default server time-a.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov set the time immediately but is not very accurate (ntp.metas.ch is swiss time)
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