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This document explains the basic configuration of WLANs in a Unified Controller-based mode also known as Lightweight mode. In SBCS environment this mode operates with the Cisco Mobility solution products. In our example we configure a Cisco 526 Controller and 521 LAP.

AP521 can be used both in Autonomous mode or in a Lightweight mode.  Only the access points in Lightweight mode can work with controller. For more information on the procedure to convert an Access Point from Autonomous mode to Lightweight mode refer the document Converting an Autonomous Access Point using CCA. Upon conversion Access Point joins the WLC  and downloads the configuration from the WLC. Basic configuration of WLC needs to be done to bring it into operation.

Basic Configuration of  WLC:

Following are the steps involved in configuration of  a WLC

  1. Connect a PC with Cat-5 ethernet cable to Port 1 of the Cisco 526 WLC. Make sure there is network connectivity between PC and the WLC.
  2. Open a web browser and type (IP address of Management interface of the router) in the address bar. When it prompts for user authentication enter admin for both username and password in lower case.
  3. It opens the Startup Wizard . Go through Device setup process.
  4. Configure the System Name , Administrative username and password to access the WLC , Various Interfaces IP address , Subnet Mask , Default Gateway.    Note: Management and AP manager interfaces should be reachable . Usually their VLAN is left untagged - '0' to assume the Native VLAN of switch.

For detailed information on other parameters that are configured during startup process refer  the document Using the Startup Wizard . Ensure to check if Light Weight Access Point (LAP) have joined the controllers. Switch port to which LAP connects must be configured as access point smart port. For more information refer the document Adding LAP521 Access Points

Configuration for Data and Voice Users:

In this document users for voice and data are assigned a separate subnet. So a SSID is created for each type of users and are assigned separate VLANs.

Create VLANs on WLC

  1. Launch the CCA and choose WLC from the Hostname.
  2. Options available for the WLC appears. 
  3. Click on the Configure menu on the left hand side and choose VLANs. 
  4. To add a new VLAN click on Create from the screen.



5. Make sure to choose the VLAN Type as Data. Enter the VLAN Id , IP address , subnet mask and default gateway for the VLAN. In our example we assume

      VLAN ID - 200 , IP address , Subnet Mask , Default Gateway , DHCP server


          Note: Repeate Step 1 to Step 5 to create a VLAN for voice. But in Step 5 make sure to choose VLAN Type as Voice.

   6.  This creates a new interface for the VLAN and it gets listed on the VLANs page.


Create WLAN on WLC

  1.  Next step is to create a SSID for data users. Click on configure menu and choose WLANs (SSIDs).



2. Click on create and choose the WLAN type as Data.



  3. Enter a SSID for data and choose a VLAN and Security type for the SSID. Here we choose test1 for SSID , VLAN 200 created already for data. There is no specific method configured to authenticate clients.

  Note: Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 to create WLAN for voice users except that the WLAN type should be chosen as Voice in Step 2.

  4. Now the WLAN gets listed on the SSIDs page.


      Users can associate to respective WLANs and pass traffic on their respective VLANs.

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