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Level 1
Level 1

Us efor for multi tenant type environments when 2 entities have seperate telephone lines & need seperate bills. Thanks  to Paul from the TAC

Outgoing calls – automatic trunk group selection based on calling number

Due to internal billing arrangements, ACME1 Co needs calls to be directed out voice ports 0/1/0 to 0/1/3 and ACME2 Co needs calls to directed out voice ports 0/2/0 to 0/2/2.

To allow this trunk selection to be transparent to the users, we have configured an automatic trunk ‘steering’ code. A translation rule is applied to the ephone-dn and is used to prepend a unique access code to the called number.

By configuring different translation rules, we can prepend different access codes to individual handsets.

When the outside access code of 0 is dialed, the called number is prepended with 555 for ACME1 and 666 for ACME2.

The outgoing POTS dial peers for the ACME1 calls use a destination pattern of 555T , while POTS dial peers for ACME2 use a destination pattern of 666T.

In this way we can control which outgoing trunks are used by particular handsets.

By setting up preferences on the dial peers we can also provide a trunk group overflow facility if one group of lines are busy.

Following is a detailed description of the call flow :

Outgoing call from ephone-dn1 (member of ACME1 trunk group)

User presses Line 1 , phone plays dial tone

User dials 0 , phone plays secondary dial tone

User dials the eight digit local <number>

Translation rule 1 configured under ephone-dn 1 prefixes the called number with 555

This translated number now matches on POTS dial peer 100

10 second interdigit timeout applied in case more digits are dialed

Call is sent out on ports 0/1/0 – 0/1/3 as first preference

The called number is then retranslated back to the original number (using rule 4) to ensure the Called number on the handset display shows the correct number (without the ‘steering’ code)

If no lines available, calls will then overflow to second preference POTS dial peer 101 and the call will be sent out on CF Australia lines

A similar configuration applies for members of the ACME2 trunk group.

Detailed configuration

Rule 1 and 2 are used to prefix the ‘steering’ code on the called number after it is dialed on the handset. Rule 4 and 5 are used to remove the ‘steering’ code off the called number after it has matched on the outgoing POTS dial peer

transalation-rule 1

rule 0 ^0.% 555


translation-rule 2

Rule 0 ^0.% 666


translation-rule 4

Rule 0 ^55500 0

Rule 1 ^55501 1

Rule 2 ^55502 2

Rule 3 ^55503 3

Rule 4 ^55504 4

Rule 5 ^55505 5

Rule 6 ^55506 026

Rule 7 ^55507 7

Rule 8 ^55508 8

Rule 9 ^55509 9



translation-rule 5

Rule 0 ^66600 0

Rule 1 ^66601 1

Rule 2 ^66602 2

Rule 3 ^66603 3

Rule 4 ^66604 4

Rule 5 ^66605 5

Rule 6 ^66606 026

Rule 7 ^66607 7

Rule 8 ^66608 8

Rule 9 ^66609 9


Explanation - any digit dialed on the handsets starting with 0 will have the 0 stripped and replaced with either 555 or 666 depending on the particular rule matched. This prefix is used as a ‘steering’ code to direct the calls out particular trunk groups.


dial-peer voice 100 pots

description – 1st choice outgoing calls for ACME1  via ACME1 voice ports

preference 1

destination-patter 5550T

translate outgoing-called 4    

trunk-group ACME_1


dial-peer voice 101 pots

description – 2nd choice outgoing calls for ACME1 via AMCE1 voice ports

preference 2

destination-pattern 5550T

translate outgoing called 4

trunk-group ACME_1


dial-peer voice 200 pots

description – 1st choice outgoing calls for ACME2 via AMCE2 voice ports

preference 1

destination-pattern 6660T

translate outgoing-called 5

trunk-group ACME_2


dial-peer voice 201 pots

description – 2nd choice outgoing for AMCE2 via ACME2 voice ports

preference 2

destination-pattern 6660T

translate outgoing-called 5

trunk-group ACME_2




secondary-dialtone 0              ß provide secondary dial tone


ephone-dn 1

description – ACME1 handset

translate called 1                    ß prefix called numbers from this line with 555


ephone–dn 2 

description – AMCE2 Handset

translate called 2                    ß prefix called numbers from this line with 666

Level 5
Level 5

Does anyone know if this is possible with UC560 as well?


Chandra Sekar
Level 1
Level 1

Trunk Group used  <dial-peer voice 101 pots> and <dial-peer voice 201 pots> uses the same trunk group as the Primary dial-peer with preference 1. Ending in no reduncancy. Hope this must be typo error.

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