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cisco 300 series snmp backup


we are trying to do an automatic backup of our switches config trough snmp.

my script can easily backup cisco 2950-2960-3550-3560 using snmp.

but I dont know the mib to use to backup the cisco small business serie 300 switches.

if someone could point me in the right direction.

thank you

6 Replies 6

is there a website or a reference guide i can use to see what i can do with snmp write with these switch

Hello Sylvain,

     Please forgive me if this is not helpful, but I am not very familiar with using SNMP on the Sx300 series. Here is a link for the MIB that goes with the Sx300 series.


i loaded the mib but i am unable to use them properly,

i found this :

its not for serie 300 switch but its for small business i would guess it would work, but it failed at the first command

heres the result:

snmpset -c test -v 2c . i 2

Error in packet.

Reason: notWritable (That object does not support modification)

Failed object: CISCOSB-COPY-MIB::rlCopyEntry

seems the 300 serie does not support the SNMP CISCOSBCopy OID

any idea how to do an automatic backup?

see admin guide

chapter 20....

CISCOSBcopy.mib is stated in the switch docs that it is supported. Can we get some info on why this doesn't work and if it's supposed to? Is there something we are missing that enable the oids in the switch?

Can you make sure switch configure properly as I highlight below?

1) SNMP service must be enabled. Device turn off SNMP interface by factory default due to security concern. You as an administrator must enable SNMP interface afterward. To turn on SNMP interface, go to Security --> TCP/UDP Services page via GUI.

2) Configure SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 properly. Make sure the community/user you created has the write access and should able to view this specific OID.

Then, follow the steps mentioned on the link below.

Hope it helps.