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SG500 (Layer 3) - How to Deny only incoming traffic to certain VLAN?

Level 1
Level 1


Is it possible to deny only incoming traffic to certain VLAN using IP ACL? For e.g. I want to deny all incoming traffic to management VLAN from other VLANs but want to allow managment VLAN to access all other VLANs. Is it possible?


3 Replies 3

Michal Bruncko
Level 4
Level 4

Hi Anitket01

> I want to deny all incoming traffic to management VLAN from other VLANs but want to allow managment VLAN to access all other VLANs.

this request looks easy, but it is not trivial to implement. I assuming you wanted to use VLAN ACL and not port-based ACLs due administrative comfort or design purposes. because of limitation of ACL functionality and stateful filtering, you can fulfill your request only for TCP and ICMP protocol, why? because you have to think about responding (opposite direction) communication. i.e. if you simply do following:

Create ACL to block traffic to management network (

ip access-list extended blockManagVLAN
deny ip any 
permit ip any any

and apply it to all non management VLAN,

and create second second ACL

ip access-list extended AllowManagVLAN
permit ip any any

and apply it to all management VLAN only.


  1. communication to management VLAN from non-manag-VLANs is disabled - this will work for sure perfectly, BUT
  2. communication from management VLAN to non-manag-VLANs will not work as well, because responding traffic from non-management-clients (like for example icmp echo reply) will be blocked by same "blockManagVLAN" ACL like in first step.

Now what can we do?

we can play with ACL protocol parameters in order to achieve requirement.

Protocol TCP:

we know, that for having TCP session established, client needs to sent TCP SYN segment in order to start with three way handshake. so for TCP, we can disallow sending TCP SYN only to managment VLAN and nobody from outside of management VLAN will be able to create TCP connection into manag VLAN. ACL:

ip access-list extended blockManagVLAN
deny tcp any any any match-all +syn -ack
permit ip any any

with this nonManagVLAN ACL, we are denying only TCP SYN packets, but allow any other else, which results, that now TCP communication can be successfully established from Management VLAN toward non-manag VLANs.


Protocol ICMP:

for ICMP we can also adjust some parameters for example to PING working from Manag VLAN to outside, but block it from outside to Manag VLAN:

into blockManagVLAN access-list:

deny icmp any echo-request

this entry will ensure, that only Echo requests will be denied toward management VLAN. this will also ensures that if someone from management VLAN pings device located in another VLAN, it's echo-reply will not be blocked.


Protocol UDP:

same magic like with TCP or ICMP cannot be achieved easily for UDP, as we cant distinguish between same UDP traffic in opposite directions - only with source/destination port numbers. Standard UDP like services are running on ports lower than 1024, so I would recommend you to block all UDP traffic toward management subnet with destination port lower than 1024:

deny udp any any 1-1023


In summary, here is what you can tune up most possible to meet your request:

Create ACL for all non-management VLAN with following content:

ip access-list extended blockManagVLAN
deny tcp any any any match-all +syn -ack
deny icmp any echo-request
deny udp any any 1-1023
permit ip any any

Wow...Excellent! I will try this on weekend and let you know the result.

i will try this commands , but it doesn't arrive to purpose problem , 

you are need to resolve your solution please
