With my job I am studying for the CCNA and have got onto all routing protocols.
I have made several collapsed core networks with the core and distribution on one tier with vlan ip's and stp root bridges set. This was with 4 vlans. The network also used HSRP for gateway redundancy and EIGRP to allow the other vlans to access the internet and other vlan traffic (intervlan routing).
Now I would like to make a hierarchical 3 tier network in packet tracer to get it started. I plan to have 2 core switches with a port channel of 4 ports for a link aggregation. Then the distribution level with 2 switches. These will have a connection from both core switches each to create a mesh. Then for the access layer. I plan to have 4 layer 2 switches. These too will have a connection from each distribution switch each to create another mesh.
With the design out of the way I would like help with the implementation. Where do I have the router so EIGRP will work on all vlans? And how do I setup EIGRP? Will the STP root bridges be on the core or distribution layer? And will HSRP be on the core or distribution?
I tried to make a network like this a few hours ago and got most of my spanning tree working on the distribution layer with core being the vlan 1 root bridge and then vlans 10 20 30 and 40 split between 2 distribution switches but EIGRP didn't work and did not pick up any neighbours so I was only able to access the internet on vlan 1 and no other vlans could access it. What did I do wrong and how can I get a working 3 tier network to show off my skill?
Any help is greatly appreciated