Have anyone of you ever noticed that NAT table under #show nat is messed up by entries added when SNMP hosts are configured.
for ex. lets assume you have one added - this will add 1 entry to #show nat list on top with index #1 but in ASDM #1 is NAT added from ASDM
The output of this is when you modify for your NAT table from ASDM and for ex. delete one NAT entry that have #20 it will delete NAT numbered with 19 in ASDM by sending #no nat 20 because on cli you have +1 numbers
This is live example
number 9 in #show nat is my number 1 in ASDM
So my last one is total number + 8 (now +7 cos I tried to did move on my last entry) in CLI but not in ASDM as you can see I have 785
but 794 in cli and the last 7 of them they are present on the list with numbers occupied by different NAT entries
I moved one of these 8 entries by ASDM by hand to different position and it poped up on the list in CLI higher moving the index of all what was beneath it by +1 and as you can see my last KOMEX has now 786 number in CLI
Is there a way to reindex this table or is it a BUG with that SNMP entries?