04-03-2013 08:10 AM - edited 03-07-2019 12:36 PM
we are having trouble with the VPC, and etherchannel ? looked at many forums not to clear on wich one to use, this is are config, we have been getting alot of loops and kills are entire network, please help
nexus switch config,
this is on both nexus we have 2 of them at this site, that talk back to 2 other ones back to another site
interface port-channel9
description *PD3750_Fiber01 network rack*
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
duplex full
vpc 9
interface Ethernet1/4
description *PD3750_Fiber01 network rack*
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
duplex full
channel-group 9
interface port-channel9
description *PD3750_Fiber01 network rack*
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
duplex full
vpc 9
interface Ethernet1/4
description *PD3750_Fiber01 network rack*
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
duplex full
channel-group 9
3750 switch config
interface Port-channel9
description *port channel to pd3750_Fiber_01*
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
duplex full
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
description *PD554801/p4 TRK*
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 9 mode on
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
description *PD554802/P4 trunk port*
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 9 mode on
04-03-2013 09:06 AM
I believe you need to use "channel-group 9 mode on" on the NX-OS side as well instead of the "channel-group 9" command you have.
04-03-2013 09:49 AM
i do have that , and have made sure, it will not show up on the nexus, if i go and put mode active it will show up, like this
interface Ethernet1/4
description *PD3750_Fiber01 network rack*
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
channel-group 9 mode active
04-03-2013 09:58 AM
That's odd, I am using LACP on all my nexus port channels so they look the same as the IOS. I was not aware that the forced ones showed differently in the running config.
Could you provide the output of a "show port-channel summary" and a "show interface port-channel 9' for these devices. Also have you considered trying to change over to LACP on this? I find LACP port channels to be much more reliable and less finicky personally.
04-03-2013 09:59 AM
Also, could you provide the configuration of your VPC peer link and a "show VPC brief"?
04-03-2013 10:05 AM
port channel summary
1 Po1(SU) Eth NONE Eth1/1(P)
6 Po6(SU) Eth NONE Eth1/18(P)
8 Po8(SU) Eth NONE Eth1/5(P) Eth1/6(D)
9 Po9(SD) Eth LACP Eth1/4(D)
20 Po20(SU) Eth NONE Eth1/15(P) Eth1/17(P)
101 Po101(SU) Eth NONE Eth1/31(P)
102 Po102(SU) Eth NONE Eth1/32(P)
sh int port chann 9 ( this will show down because i shut it down for know unitl i figure out how to configure it right )
PD554801# show interface port-channel 9
port-channel9 is down (Administratively down)
vPC Status: Down, vPC number: 9 [packets forwarded via vPC peer-link]
Hardware: Port-Channel, address: 0000.0000.0000 (bia 0000.0000.0000)
Description: *PD3750_Fiber01 network rack*
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
reliability 9946/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA
Port mode is trunk
auto-duplex, 1000 Mb/s
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
Members in this channel: Eth1/4
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
30 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
30 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Load-Interval #2: 5 minute (300 seconds)
input rate 0 bps, 0 pps; output rate 0 bps, 0 pps
165854 unicast packets 8645 multicast packets 4636 broadcast packets
179135 input packets 97802516 bytes
40900 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression bytes
663 runts 0 giants 0 CRC 0 no buffer
5332543433783378253 input error 0 short frame 0 overrun 0 underrun 0 ignored
0 watchdog 0 bad etype drop 0 bad proto drop 0 if down drop
0 input with dribble 0 input discard
0 Rx pause
3576984 unicast packets 1107538 multicast packets 509810 broadcast packets
5194332 output packets 3770989418 bytes
659386 jumbo packets
0 output errors 0 collision 0 deferred 0 late collision
0 lost carrier 0 no carrier 0 babble 0 output discard
0 Tx pause
1 interface resets
and as for LACP, if it will fix it, the problem i have is there is noe clear documentation on wich is better ot the correct way to do them? how would you do LACP correctly. this is the forst time i have ever worked on nexus switches with so many different commands, i have a basic concept but no way an expert, thank you
04-03-2013 10:06 AM
sh vpc brief
PD554801# sh vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id : 20
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Type-2 consistency status : failed
Type-2 consistency reason : SVI type-2 configuration incompatible
vPC role : primary
Number of vPCs configured : 102
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled
vPC Peer-link status
id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po20 up 1,3-4,9-12,16-18,20-22,30,64,68-69,100,113,150-154
vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
1 Po1 up success success 1,3-4,9-12,
6 Po6 up success success 1,3-4,9-12,
8 Po8 up success success 1,3-4,9-12,
9 Po9 down* success success -
101 Po101 up success success -
102 Po102 up success success -
102400 Eth101/1/1 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102401 Eth101/1/2 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102402 Eth101/1/3 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102403 Eth101/1/4 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102404 Eth101/1/5 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102405 Eth101/1/6 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102406 Eth101/1/7 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102407 Eth101/1/8 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102408 Eth101/1/9 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102409 Eth101/1/10 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102410 Eth101/1/11 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102411 Eth101/1/12 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102412 Eth101/1/13 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102413 Eth101/1/14 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102414 Eth101/1/15 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102415 Eth101/1/16 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102416 Eth101/1/17 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102417 Eth101/1/18 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102418 Eth101/1/19 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102419 Eth101/1/20 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102420 Eth101/1/21 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102421 Eth101/1/22 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102422 Eth101/1/23 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102423 Eth101/1/24 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102424 Eth101/1/25 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102425 Eth101/1/26 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102426 Eth101/1/27 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102427 Eth101/1/28 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102428 Eth101/1/29 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102429 Eth101/1/30 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102430 Eth101/1/31 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102431 Eth101/1/32 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102432 Eth101/1/33 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102433 Eth101/1/34 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102434 Eth101/1/35 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102435 Eth101/1/36 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102436 Eth101/1/37 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102437 Eth101/1/38 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102438 Eth101/1/39 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102439 Eth101/1/40 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102440 Eth101/1/41 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102441 Eth101/1/42 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102442 Eth101/1/43 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102443 Eth101/1/44 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102444 Eth101/1/45 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102445 Eth101/1/46 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102446 Eth101/1/47 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
102447 Eth101/1/48 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103424 Eth102/1/1 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103425 Eth102/1/2 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103426 Eth102/1/3 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103427 Eth102/1/4 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103428 Eth102/1/5 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103429 Eth102/1/6 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103430 Eth102/1/7 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103431 Eth102/1/8 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103432 Eth102/1/9 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103433 Eth102/1/10 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103434 Eth102/1/11 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103435 Eth102/1/12 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103436 Eth102/1/13 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103437 Eth102/1/14 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103438 Eth102/1/15 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103439 Eth102/1/16 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103440 Eth102/1/17 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103441 Eth102/1/18 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103442 Eth102/1/19 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103443 Eth102/1/20 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103444 Eth102/1/21 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103445 Eth102/1/22 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103446 Eth102/1/23 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103447 Eth102/1/24 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103448 Eth102/1/25 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103449 Eth102/1/26 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103450 Eth102/1/27 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103451 Eth102/1/28 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103452 Eth102/1/29 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103453 Eth102/1/30 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103454 Eth102/1/31 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103455 Eth102/1/32 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103456 Eth102/1/33 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103457 Eth102/1/34 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103458 Eth102/1/35 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103459 Eth102/1/36 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103460 Eth102/1/37 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103461 Eth102/1/38 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103462 Eth102/1/39 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103463 Eth102/1/40 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103464 Eth102/1/41 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103465 Eth102/1/42 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103466 Eth102/1/43 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103467 Eth102/1/44 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103468 Eth102/1/45 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103469 Eth102/1/46 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103470 Eth102/1/47 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
103471 Eth102/1/48 down* Not Consistency Check Not -
Applicable Performed
04-03-2013 11:06 AM
I cannot glean a whole lot of info about why it is not working as configured with it in the shutdown state. If you are open to the idea I would definitely recommend trying LACP.
LACPs main advantage over static port channeling is intelligence, LACP will communicate with the other side and make the best connection possible. With a static ether channel, if everything is not perfect you are pretty much hosed.
04-03-2013 11:49 AM
great thanks, i will put LCAP witch is active, do i need to also put that on the 3750 side as well?
04-03-2013 11:53 AM
Yes, both side will need to be set to LACP. I always like to set one side to active and one side to passive when I configure them, but you could also set both sides to active.
04-03-2013 12:02 PM
do you gain anything by putting one side active and the other passive?
04-03-2013 12:10 PM
I just like to know where the initiation is originating, no scientific reason for it or anything.
04-03-2013 12:13 PM
ahhh great thanks, i will try this and let you know the out come, next monday is when i can try it again, i will let you know, so if i were to put active and passive, the passive would be on the 3750 side correct?
04-03-2013 12:22 PM
Doesn't matter which one is the active side, do whatever makes sense to you.
04-03-2013 12:24 PM
ok, thanks, i will let you know how things go when i turn on the switch again, thank you
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