07-14-2010 10:55 PM - edited 03-06-2019 12:01 PM
Hi All,
I just want to know may I able to configure switching Lab in GNS3 ????
I read some where we can configure swtiching lab in GNS3 by selecting slot ( NM-16ESW). but by selecting this option in router we can make router as a switch with 16 ports.. but we can't configure our router as a switch. Means We can't apply normal CMD's like Vlan ..etc....
I had used IOS :
But Not a single IOS is working as a switch... So, I want to know by using which IOS I can do L3 setiching LAB.????
I want create LAB for Switching only. No need to add router .so, I can make my switch as router for L3 purpose....
Please Give me solution ASAP.
Rajdeep P.
Solved! Go to Solution.
07-18-2010 01:23 AM
Hi All,
I just want to know may I able to configure switching Lab in GNS3 ????
I read some where we can configure swtiching lab in GNS3 by selecting slot ( NM-16ESW). but by selecting this option in router we can make router as a switch with 16 ports.. but we can't configure our router as a switch. Means We can't apply normal CMD's like Vlan ..etc....
I had used IOS :
But Not a single IOS is working as a switch... So, I want to know by using which IOS I can do L3 setiching LAB.????
I want create LAB for Switching only. No need to add router .so, I can make my switch as router for L3 purpose....
Please Give me solution ASAP.
Hi Rajdeep,
For switching practice using GNS3 simulator there are two options to simulate switches.
Hope to Help !!
Remember to rate the helpful post
07-17-2010 02:29 AM
You can do switching labs in GNS3, but the technologies for switching are limited. Basic switching si available. If the vlans are not saved after router reload (vtp transparent) then, use vtp file nvram:vlan.dat , else don't use it.
R1#sh spanning-tree
VLAN20 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol
Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address cc00.1218.0000
Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
We are the root of the spanning tree
Topology change flag set, detected flag set
Number of topology changes 1 last change occurred 00:00:30 ago
from FastEthernet1/1
Times: hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2
hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
Timers: hello 1, topology change 5, notification 0, aging 300
Port 42 (FastEthernet1/1) of VLAN20 is forwarding
Port path cost 19, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.42.
Designated root has priority 32768, address cc00.1218.0000
Designated bridge has priority 32768, address cc00.1218.0000
Designated port id is 128.42, designated path cost 0
Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0
Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1
BPDU: sent 27, received 0
R1#vlan data
R1(vlan)#vl 21
VLAN 21 added:
Name: VLAN0021
R1(vlan)#vtp tra
Device mode already VTP TRANSPARENT.
APPLY completed.
APPLY completed.
R1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)#int vl21
R1(config-if)#ip address
R1(config-if)#no sh
R1(config)#int f1/1
R1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 21
R1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-2,20,1002-1005
R1(config)#vtp file nvram:vlan.dat
R1#sh spanning-tree summary
Root bridge for: VLAN21.
PortFast BPDU Guard is disabled
UplinkFast is disabled
BackboneFast is disabled
Name Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
VLAN21 0 0 1 0 1
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
1 VLAN 0 0 1 0 1
R1#sh vlan-switch
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Fa1/0, Fa1/2, Fa1/3, Fa1/4
Fa1/5, Fa1/6, Fa1/7, Fa1/8
Fa1/9, Fa1/10, Fa1/11, Fa1/12
Fa1/13, Fa1/14, Fa1/15
20 VLAN0020 active
21 VLAN0021 active Fa1/1
1002 fddi-default active
1003 token-ring-default active
1004 fddinet-default active
1005 trnet-default active
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 1002 1003
20 enet 100020 1500 - - - - - 0 0
21 enet 100021 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 1 1003
1003 tr 101003 1500 1005 0 - - srb 1 1002
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - 1 ibm - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - 1 ibm - 0 0
R1#sh ip int br
*Mar 1 00:05:26.771: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan21, changed state to upief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up
FastEthernet1/0 unassigned YES unset up down
FastEthernet1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Vlan1 unassigned YES unset up down
Vlan20 YES manual up down
Vlan21 YES manual up up
R1#sh mac-address-table
Destination Address Address Type VLAN Destination Port
------------------- ------------ ---- --------------------
cc00.1218.0000 Self 1 Vlan1
cc00.1218.0000 Self 20 Vlan20
cc00.1218.0000 Self 21 Vlan21
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/26/72 ms
R1#sh mac-address-table
Destination Address Address Type VLAN Destination Port
------------------- ------------ ---- --------------------
cc00.1218.0000 Self 1 Vlan1
cc00.1218.0000 Self 20 Vlan20
cc00.1218.0000 Self 21 Vlan21
cc01.1218.0000 Dynamic 21 FastEthernet1/1
R1#sh ip arp cc01.1218.0000
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 1 cc01.1218.0000 ARPA Vlan21
R1#sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, 3600 Software (C3640-A3JS-M), Version 12.4(25c), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 12-Feb-10 00:48 by prod_rel_team
ROM: ROMMON Emulation Microcode
ROM: 3600 Software (C3640-A3JS-M), Version 12.4(25c), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
R1 uptime is 11 minutes
System returned to ROM by unknown reload cause - suspect boot_data[BOOT_COUNT] 0x0, BOOT_COUNT 0, BOOTDATA 19
System image file is "tftp://"
Cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0xFF) with 124928K/6144K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID 00000000
R4700 CPU at 100MHz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.2
17 FastEthernet interfaces
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity enabled.
125K bytes of NVRAM.
8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
Configuration register is 0x2102
R1#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1189 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname R1
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 5
ip cef
vtp file nvram:vlan.dat
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet1/0
interface FastEthernet1/1
switchport access vlan 21
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,2,20,1002-1005
interface FastEthernet1/2
interface FastEthernet1/3
interface FastEthernet1/4
interface FastEthernet1/5
interface FastEthernet1/6
interface FastEthernet1/7
interface FastEthernet1/8
interface FastEthernet1/9
interface FastEthernet1/10
interface FastEthernet1/11
interface FastEthernet1/12
interface FastEthernet1/13
interface FastEthernet1/14
interface FastEthernet1/15
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan20
ip address
interface Vlan21
ip address
ip http server
ip forward-protocol nd
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
07-18-2010 01:23 AM
Hi All,
I just want to know may I able to configure switching Lab in GNS3 ????
I read some where we can configure swtiching lab in GNS3 by selecting slot ( NM-16ESW). but by selecting this option in router we can make router as a switch with 16 ports.. but we can't configure our router as a switch. Means We can't apply normal CMD's like Vlan ..etc....
I had used IOS :
But Not a single IOS is working as a switch... So, I want to know by using which IOS I can do L3 setiching LAB.????
I want create LAB for Switching only. No need to add router .so, I can make my switch as router for L3 purpose....
Please Give me solution ASAP.
Hi Rajdeep,
For switching practice using GNS3 simulator there are two options to simulate switches.
Hope to Help !!
Remember to rate the helpful post
07-21-2010 07:13 AM
Hi ..
Thanks for your reply ..
Rajdeep P.
05-26-2011 12:39 PM
hi raj,
In most of the layer 3 switching all the forwarding are done by the hardware... so in short , packets are all hardware switched.... so i would say switching is platform dependent which means each switch like 3750/4500/6500 has it own way for forwarding packets in hardware...
since this is platform specific, i think it cannot be done on gns3 even though you have the right IOS.
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