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Supervisor switchover happened # chassis WS-C4510R+E & WS-X45-SUP8-E

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Team,

We have the Switch WS-C4510R+E & WS-X45-SUP8-E being installed to one of our Customer and reported the issue of active supervisor got failed so the switchover happened for the chassis. Now we need to know the reason behind this supervisor switch-over event if the hardware issue or the software issue.

Issue description:

The Supervisor switchover happened for the chassis WS-C4510R+E


My observation:


MT9B-HR-C4510-AS01#sh redundancy switchover history

Index  Previous  Current  Switchover             Switchover

       active    active   reason                 time

-----  --------  -------  ----------             ----------

   1       5        6     active unit failed     00:42:39 IST Sun Jan 15 2017

Now attaching the respective CLI show version, show redundancy, show redundancy states, show redundancy switchover, show logging that captured for this case as zip folder to analyze at your end that was the exact reason for SUP switchover happened as I have got the reason “ Active supervisor got failed “ but need the reason for the event here.


Query: Why the active Supervisor got failed & the standby supervisor became active post switchover??



1 Reply 1

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

===================== Exception Data ====================

Exception in 'iosd' with Signal=SIGABRT(6)

Frame Pointer=0x503A76D0, Program Counter=0x1A9C7370

Thread ID=5207: -Traceback= 1#e648f219ec87a3fac58007a556c007c4 :100000+350 iosd_unix:1C646000+323C4 :1FEE7000+13AD7EC :1FEE7000+531F6BC :1FEE7000+4E7E260 :1FEE7000+4E7E8E4 :1FEE7000+12683CC :1FEE7000+12687B4 :1FEE7000+1269028 :1FEE7000+1268F00

Execution time: sec=0 usec=6430
---------- End of exit handler data -----------


The following information are collected after coredump


===================== log file: /mnt/pss/sup_sysmgr_reset.log =====================

<Sat Jan 14 19:12:40 2017> hap_sup_reset: Reason Code:[2] Reset Reason:Service [iosd] pid:[5207] terminated abnormally [6].

This looks like an IOS bug.

It could, potentially, be CSCuc71332. 

Can I request if you can "police" your attachment?  I can see the organization this chassis is connected to.

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