Hi !
Seting up PTP clock for new MiFidII regulationst in our two different computer centers.
Using Nexus two 3048 for distibution and two Meinberg 3000 as Grand master PTP clock.
The Nexus 3048 is connected with L2 trunk and the Meinberg shoud both be able to be Grand master for redundancy purpose.
Problem is that the config in Nexus 3048 only can have one PTP source IP adress. But my GM clock
have different IP adresses.
I can see the ptp clock foreign-masters record from both side on both Nexus 3048 but as the source IP is different from the GM clock i can't get the Site 1 Nexus to redist the GM clock from Site 2 to my clients.
Any clue to get it working ??