Hello all... Here is my issue:
I am trying to connect two WAP4410N Wireless-N Access Points to a WRVS4400N Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router.
I have the following configured on the router:
Channel 6
SSID configured with isolation between SSID w/o VLAN
WPA2-Personal Mixed
Wireless Isolation within SSID disabled
TKIP+AES Encryption
Connection Control disabled
Allow wireless signal to be repeated by a repeater – Auto
I have the WAP configured as a "Wireless/Client Repeater" along with the security information entered correctly into the web configuration. However, when I unplug the Ethernet cable, and want the WAP to work as just a repeater, I lose connectivity (continuous pings) to the WAP. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to configure the WAP to work as an independent repeater for the Wireless LAN? Thank you for any support in this matter.
Message was edited by: shaun-murray - added information...