we are running a VSS-1440 (Two 6509-E) with VS-SUP2T-10G and WS-X6904-40G. The WS-X6904-40G have FourX adapters installed. They are configured in non-oversubscription mode:
#sh hw-module switch 1 slot 1 oversubscription
port-group oversubscription-mode
1 disabled
2 disabled
#sh hw-module switch 2 slot 1 oversubscription
port-group oversubscription-mode
1 disabled
2 disabled
As I hadn't read the documentation too carefully I had assumed that I could run interfaces Te1/1/5-12 and
Te2/1/5-12. I started to use interfaces 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 without problems.
Then I configured Te1/1/10. No problem.
Then I tried to enable Te2/1/10 and got this error:
Current module is operating in non-oversubscription mode.
To utilise port 10 of switch 2 module 1, enable oversubscription mode.
After reading the documentation more carefully I found out that in non-oversubscription mode I have to use ports Te1/1/5-8 and Te1/1/13-16.
But why was I able to use Te1/1/9 and Te1/1/10 in the first place? Shouldn't the switch complain when I try to use port 9? Is this a bug?