Tandberg C40 Codec
Version: TC7.3.2.14ad7cc (SW-Upgrade last week)
Server : VCSCONTROL , X8.5.2
Touch Panel : 8
We did a SW-Upgrade last week to version 7.3.2 , after this touch panel will be started permanently and will do a SW-update , after a few minutes restart the touch panel again and this continue …..
I would like make a downgrade to 7.2.1, It has help us every time if we had the same problem but I can’t connect to the Endpoint over http or https , I have only a SHH-Connection.
I have tried make a connection to the endpoint over Control but the Control hasn’t a connection to endpoint also.
Could you tell me where is the problem and how can I resolve this problem ?
Thanks for your support
PS. I did a HW-Reset of Touch Panel but it didn’t help