A customer of ours brought something to our attention that I have not been able to find documentaiton for. When a conference is booked in TMS and you include a Content Server, the e.164 alias that TMS will use to connect to the Content server gets changed after the conference is saved. Please refer to the attached picture for an example.
This has been seen on the following combinations;
TMS 13.2, TCS S5.0
TMS 14.3, TCS S5.3
In each instance the TCS is registered to the VCS as a Gateway. The standard Booking>New Conference page was used. It didn't matter if a personal recording alias was used, or a generic System recording alias.
One thing of note: If an H323 ID was used instead of the e.164 alias, the resulting address was not changed.
Has anyone else seen this? Is there some bug that I've missed?