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Installing additional blade and power rectifiers

Anthony Chan
Level 1
Level 1

currently we have an existing Codian MSE 8000 Blade that already have 5 blades in total:

MSE Supervisor

HD Blade 8510 x 3

ISDN Blade

have 8 Power Rectifiers installed

we purchased 2 more additional 8510 HD Blades and 2 Power Rectifiers

I was able to find the installation instructions for the blades (seems very straight forward) but was not able to find the installation for the Power Rectifiers

Since we have 8 installed, 3 is not being utilized or powered on wondering if we need to install the additional two new ones?

thanks for your input


3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Anthony,

The number of power rectifier required depends upon the numbers of blades and their individual power requirements.

I don't exactly recall the power requirements for each blade. However you can do following.

-.Each blade and fan tray is labeled with current requirement that can be used together.

- Find out the total requirement by summing the current values from all blades and fan tray.

- Use these table.

Total current requirement (Amps)               Rectifiers required per power shelf

Up to 20A                                                                 1

Up to 40A                                                                 2

Up to 60A                                                                 3

Up to 80A                                                                 4

Hope this helps.


Level 1
Level 1

Even though your current power requirement can be managed by 3 rectifiers(Correct me if I am wrong , it is always better to add more (for redundancy, in case of failure of a live rectifier) . But yes.. installing/using all the power rectifiers of yours will result in large volume of power wastage. The link provided by Sagar will give you a better understating on the current power requirement.

Consultation with your Pre-Sales team will give you a better understanding on how to use the existing setup more efficiently.

