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telepresence mibs for codec's

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, does anyone know how the telepresence mib can give you stats on the left/right codec?  I believe it is possible but want to be able to

looking at the cisco-teleprecence-call-mib and do see some variables where you can pull secondary codec but unsure how it would map

to left right center... I'm guessing center would be the primary but is secondary the right and what about the left

any help appreciated

11 Replies 11

Paula Talamo
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi George,

Check out the article Gonzalo put together here:

Additional info:



Hi Paula, that is just for traps

i tried cli commands as well but only see the primary codec really on sho inventrory or Hardware

there must be a way to pull serials and code levels of primary and secondary units, unsure why sho inventory only shows Primary, then sho secondary doesn't give you much data at all

I was also looking for a way to pull info that would be close to if you manually logged into the gui under device info, you can see center left and right, serial numbers and code versions.

I can't seem to find a shell command that will do the same

Hi George,

SNMP MIB support is available on the  secondary codecs via SNMPv3 contexts. Here is the mapping for these  contexts in current CTS Software:

cts2 = Left codec

cts3 = Right codec

cts4 = Presentation codec

So for example: snmpstatus -v 3 -l authnopriv -a md5 -u -n cts3 -A

For  the call stats using the CISCO-TELEPRESENCE-CALL-MIB, there is a great  write up on how to accomplish this on the docwiki here:



thank you Paul so much for the reply, is that only for v3?  I didn't see i documented maybe I missed it, I did see the call example script but having issue trying to see how exactly the secondaries map out.  I saw it more from traps it seemed when setting the secondaries up.

thank you so much for replying


Hi George,

SNMPv2c is supported as well for our mibs, however v2c does not support contexts.

The  call mib is a little more complicated and I will try my best to  explain. To get the information for the secondary codecs you would need  to consult the CtpcStreamSourceType shown below, where secCodec1 is the  left, and secCodec2 is the right, and auxiliary1 is the presentation  codec.

CtpcStreamSourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

    STATUS          current


        "This textual convention identifies the stream source of a call.

        secCodec1   (1) -- First secondary CODEC stream

        priCodec    (2) -- Primary CODEC stream

        secCodec2   (3) -- Second secondary CODEC stream

        auxiliary1  (4) -- First auxiliary stream like presentation


        secLegacy1  (5) -- Legacy stream generated by first

                           secondary CODEC for legacy system.

        priLegacy   (6) -- Legacy stream generated by Primary CODEC

                           for legacy system.

        secLegacy2  (7) -- Legacy stream generated by second

                           secondary CODEC for legacy system.

        auxiliary2  (8) -- Second auxiliary stream."

    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {










I am assuming that you're looking to get call statistics which mostly come from the ctpcStatStreamSourceTable (shown below)

ctpcStatStreamSourceTable OBJECT-TYPE

    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CtpcStatStreamSourceEntry

    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible

    STATUS          current


        "A table for call stream source information."

    ::= { ctpcStatObjects 10 }

ctpcStatStreamSourceEntry OBJECT-TYPE

    SYNTAX          CtpcStatStreamSourceEntry

    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible

    STATUS          current


        "An entry contains a stream source information of a call.

        The entry will be deleted when the corresponding ctpcEntry

        specified by ctpcIndex is removed."

   INDEX           {





    ::= { ctpcStatStreamSourceTable 1 }

CtpcStatStreamSourceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

        ctpcStreamSource         CtpcStreamSourceType,

        ctpcTxActive             TruthValue,

        ctpcTxTotalBytes         Counter64,

        ctpcTxTotalPackets       Counter64,

        ctpcTxLostPackets        Counter64,

        ctpcTxPeriodLostPackets  Gauge32,

        ctpcTxCallLostPackets    Gauge32,

        ctpcTxIDRPackets         Counter64,

        ctpcTxShapingWindow      Gauge32,

        ctpcRxActive             TruthValue,

        ctpcRxTotalBytes         Counter64,

        ctpcRxTotalPackets       Counter64,

        ctpcRxLostPackets        Counter64,

        ctpcRxPeriodLostPackets  Gauge32,

        ctpcRxCallLostPackets    Gauge32,

        ctpcRxOutOfOrderPackets  Counter64,

        ctpcRxDuplicatePackets   Counter64,

        ctpcRxLatePackets        Counter64,

        ctpcRxIDRPackets         Counter64,

        ctpcRxShapingWindow      Gauge32,

        ctpcRxCallAuthFailure    Counter64,

        ctpcAvgPeriodJitter      Unsigned64,

        ctpcAvgCallJitter        Unsigned64,

        ctpcMaxPeriodJitter      Unsigned64,

        ctpcMaxCallJitter        Unsigned64,

        ctpcMaxCallJitterRecTime Unsigned32,

        ctpcTxCodec              CtpcCodecType,

        ctpcTxFrameRate          Unsigned32,

        ctpcRxCodec              CtpcCodecType,

        ctpcRxFrameRate          Unsigned32,

        ctpcTxVideoHorzPixels    Gauge32,

        ctpcTxVideoVertPixels    Gauge32,

        ctpcRxVideoHorzPixels    Gauge32,

        ctpcRxVideoVertPixels    Gauge32


If you wished to view the ctpcAvgCallJitter which is OID it would look like this:  where X is basically the call number which comes from  ctpcIndex, Y is  the stream type from ctpcStreamType (1 = Video, 2 = Audio), and Z is the  stream source from CtpcStreamSourceType (1 = Left Codec, 2 = Primary  Codec, 3 = Right codec, and 4 = Presentation codec)

I hope I have explained this clearly, and it is also  important to note that these values are only from the past reboot, and  are not stored after a reboot.



I notice in V3 if i query either secondary 644 mib is unsuported only 633

is it 644 querery on the main codec able to supply all codec call stats Paul?  mib browser right now I have to decode more to see all the data. 

still confused in the v2 example where does teh ctpcindex number come from and where do you get it? the x in abvoe  could you show me an example on the 3 codecs and how you get the numbers?

as I'm still confused if you can pick left right or center in that string why would you use the contexts in v2?  is it just for other functions?

george wolf wrote:

as I'm still confused if you can pick left right or center in that string why would you use the contexts in v2?  is it just for other functions?

You would use the contexts in for the telepresence system mib for things like peripherial statuses, cable connections, software versions.. etc.

If you're trying to collect call statistics then you should be using the telepresence call mib, and that doesn't need the contexts because all the media goes through the primary codec.

george wolf wrote:

still confused in the v2 example where does teh ctpcindex number come from and where do you get it? the x in abvoe  could you show me an example on the 3 codecs and how you get the numbers?

The ctpcindex number comes from the ctpcTable which is essentially a CDR log, it holds the call start time, duration, remote number, SIP call id etc...

Basically when the system resets the ctpcIndex is set to 0, and the first call the value is incremented to 1, the second call it is incremented to 2, and so on...  This way you can get the statistics from not only the active call (the highest number) but historical data as well.

?great info Paul, so from the following mib- is seccodec1 left? and seccodec 2 right

CtpcStreamSourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

    STATUS          current


        "This textual convention identifies the stream source of a call.

        secCodec1   (1) -- First secondary CODEC stream

        priCodec    (2) -- Primary CODEC stream

        secCodec2   (3) -- Second secondary CODEC stream

        auxiliary1  (4) -- First auxiliary stream like presentation


        secLegacy1  (5) -- Legacy stream generated by first

                           secondary CODEC for legacy system.

        priLegacy   (6) -- Legacy stream generated by Primary CODEC

                           for legacy system.

        secLegacy2  (7) -- Legacy stream generated by second

                           secondary CODEC for legacy system.

        auxiliary2  (8) -- Second auxiliary stream."

    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {









Paul I  tried but can't delete the previous and see that it was answered already so thank you very much.  I'm going to be testing some stuff and will have some more questions this has been huge help