トランザクションIDは、一般的にはデバイスの状態 (show running-configの出力結果など) をハッシュした数値です。
以下は、cisco-nx NED README の抜粋です。
Alternative way to calculate transaction ID
To avoid the overhead of 'show running-config' in each transaction,
especially with large device configurations, there is now a new way to
calculate transaction IDs. This method by default let's the device calculate
an md5-hash of the running-config by running the following commands (run as a
one line towards device):
show running-config | exclude Time: > volatile:///ncstransconf.tmp
show file volatile:///ncstransconf.tmp md5sum
delete volatile:///ncstransconf.tmp no-prompt
To enable this behaviour, use the following ned-setting:
ned-settings cisco-nx transaction trans-id-method device-command
The command(s) to run on the device to calculate the transaction-id is
configurable (e.g. to be able to configure a 'cli alias' to be used together
with NXAPI). This can be done with the following ned-setting:
ned-settings cisco-nx transaction trans-id-cmd mycommand
(here 'mycommand' could be a cli alias configured on the device)
The output from the command is hashed by the NED (to make it into a valid
transaction-id in NSO), so the only thing to consider is that the output from
the given command should be fixed for a given device configuration, being an
equivalent of a 'hash' calculated from the 'static' running-config
(e.g. excluding timestamp).