ā02-24-2017 06:57 AM - edited ā03-19-2019 12:09 PM
The phone not registering after trying everything i saw on forums :
For Example:
voice register global
no load 7821 sip78xx.10-1-1SR1-4
no create profile
create profile
voice register pool-type 7821
xml-config maxNumCalls 6
xml-config busyTrigger 6
xml-config custom sshAccess 0
num-lines 2
description Cisco IP Phone 7821
reference-pooltype 6921
Here is my configuration
Current configuration : 24495 bytes
! Last configuration change at 16:26:32 UTC Wed Jun 17 2015 by Admin
! NVRAM config last updated at 16:26:36 UTC Wed Jun 17 2015 by Admin
version 15.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname xxx-ABJ-ROUTER1
boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-1.T1.bin
card type e1 0 0
enable secret 5 $1$/JuG$46N5m0d2hL0EsJmPc8qaU0
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
clock timezone UTC 1 0
network-clock-participate wic 0
network-clock-select 1 E1 0/0/0
ip domain name xxx.local
ip name-server
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-net5
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3666831702
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3666831702
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3666831702
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3666831702
certificate self-signed 01
3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 33363636 38333137 3032301E 170D3133 30363033 31343336
34325A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D33 36363638
33313730 3230819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
8100E605 E0E1817F 67F0B94E 8A67260A F9EA1B30 FF8BE198 DF187A7B 198DEC3B
210FBA58 9DBA0550 9E18BDC2 56B2E24F D28CD608 09516ED8 9A447C66 681E357D
C6DD02C8 93A32391 136618F5 6F80FC66 37D980AB 7D336C36 BE505371 2BF22B63
3CFC3302 95345E42 AD0EE1DF 494C5076 9619CFDD D10F7FAA 458A7D1D FEF97E14
44890203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 1477D52D 6B1AD5B1 4764BAA2 919CC9B8 92B2A164 BD301D06
03551D0E 04160414 77D52D6B 1AD5B147 64BAA291 9CC9B892 B2A164BD 300D0609
2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 81810050 115D8833 228F26A0 3D037FF0 1785DCE0
0E4DBF9F EB9DDBEC 28688ABD 890DF5BA DC0FD49B B1629791 690C9EAC CD1864C1
C1E7ECEA BABBE687 03B1DA38 AA93F351 366886D6 7EA5301F EEA01CAE 39729DF0
A7E41370 528A083F 513507FD 52C5F6B8 9E4E2573 1AFCF75F 4296A11B E9298926
5FD52B5C 7906DE46 CE985897 C33691
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
registrar server
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g711alaw
codec preference 3 g729r8
voice class h323 1
h225 timeout tcp establish 3
h225 timeout setup 3
voice class custom-cptone CONF-LEAVE
dualtone conference
frequency 400 800
voice class custom-cptone CONF-JOIN
dualtone conference
frequency 1000 2000
cadence 100 50 200 50 300 50 400 50
voice register pool-type 7821
xml-config maxNumCalls 6
xml-config busyTrigger 6
num-lines 4
description Cisco SIP Phone 7821
reference-pooltype 6921
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 150
max-pool 45
load 7821 sip78xx.10-3-1-12
authenticate register
authenticate realm all
timezone 22
date-format D/M/Y
tftp-path flash:
file text
create profile sync 001165741656951A
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /4610400/ /400/
voice translation-rule 2
rule 1 /^\(4..\)$/ /4610\1/
rule 2 /^.*\(4..\)$/ /4610\1/
voice translation-rule 3
rule 1 /8090460440/ /400/
voice translation-profile 123
translate calling 2
voice translation-profile DID
translate called 1
voice translation-profile ETI-OUT
translate calling 4
voice translation-profile ETISALAT
translate called 3
license udi pid CISCO2921/K9 sn FGL17231074
hw-module ism 0
hw-module pvdm 0/0
hw-module pvdm 0/1
hw-module pvdm 0/2
object-group network BACKUPSERVERS
object-group service COMMVAULT
tcp range 8400 8402
tcp range 8600 8620
username admin privilege 15 secret 5 $1$NVEu$qgt3xgw7fEDLGmgZxNQny.
username administrator password 7 130B041B0A5E547B78
username appadmin privilege 15 password 7 112A48161442
username Richard password 7 034619
username Tunde password 7 134755
username Temitope password 7 034619
username Austin password 7 004651
username ConferenceNo password 7 134755
controller E1 0/0/0
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-31
description MTN E1 LINES
controller E1 0/0/1
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-16
description ETISALAT LINE
translation-rule 3
Rule 0 ^00 0
Rule 1 ^01 1
Rule 2 ^02 2
Rule 3 ^03 3
Rule 4 ^04 4
Rule 5 ^05 5
Rule 6 ^06 6
Rule 7 ^07 7
Rule 8 ^08 8
Rule 9 ^09 9
gw-accounting file
primary ftp username anonymous password 7 0538102D284042103B0902171848
secondary ifs flash:cdrbib
maximum buffer-size 15
maximum retry-count 4
maximum cdrflush-timer 65
interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface ISM0/0
description unity express module
ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/2
service-module ip address
!Application: CUE Running on ISM
service-module ip default-gateway
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description WAN PORT
ip address
ip access-group 101 in
ip nbar protocol-discovery ipv4
duplex auto
speed auto
no cdp tlv app
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
interface ISM0/1
description Internal switch interface connected to Internal Service Module
no ip address
interface Serial0/0/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn overlap-receiving
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bchan-number-order ascending
isdn outgoing display-ie
no cdp tlv app
interface Serial0/0/1:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn overlap-receiving
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bchan-number-order ascending
isdn outgoing display-ie
no cdp tlv app
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http access-class 1
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
ip http path flash:
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route ISM0/0
logging trap notifications
logging host
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server community PUBLIC RO
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart
snmp-server enable traps vrrp
snmp-server enable traps transceiver all
snmp-server enable traps ds1
snmp-server enable traps call-home message-send-fail server-fail
snmp-server enable traps tty
snmp-server enable traps eigrp
snmp-server enable traps ospf state-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf errors
snmp-server enable traps ospf retransmit
snmp-server enable traps ospf lsa
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change nssa-trans-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change shamlink interface
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change shamlink neighbor
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific errors
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific retransmit
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific lsa
snmp-server enable traps gatekeeper
snmp-server enable traps xgcp
snmp-server enable traps license
snmp-server enable traps envmon
snmp-server enable traps flash insertion removal
snmp-server enable traps c3g
snmp-server enable traps ds3
snmp-server enable traps adslline
snmp-server enable traps vdsl2line
snmp-server enable traps icsudsu
snmp-server enable traps isdn call-information
snmp-server enable traps isdn layer2
snmp-server enable traps isdn chan-not-avail
snmp-server enable traps isdn ietf
snmp-server enable traps ds0-busyout
snmp-server enable traps ds1-loopback
snmp-server enable traps energywise
snmp-server enable traps vstack
snmp-server enable traps mac-notification
snmp-server enable traps bgp
snmp-server enable traps isis
snmp-server enable traps aaa_server
snmp-server enable traps atm subif
snmp-server enable traps cef resource-failure peer-state-change peer-fib-state-change inconsistency
snmp-server enable traps memory bufferpeak
snmp-server enable traps cnpd
snmp-server enable traps config-copy
snmp-server enable traps config
snmp-server enable traps config-ctid
snmp-server enable traps entity
snmp-server enable traps fru-ctrl
snmp-server enable traps resource-policy
snmp-server enable traps event-manager
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay multilink bundle-mismatch
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay subif
snmp-server enable traps hsrp
snmp-server enable traps ipmulticast
snmp-server enable traps msdp
snmp-server enable traps mvpn
snmp-server enable traps nhrp nhs
snmp-server enable traps nhrp nhc
snmp-server enable traps nhrp nhp
snmp-server enable traps nhrp quota-exceeded
snmp-server enable traps pim neighbor-change rp-mapping-change invalid-pim-message
snmp-server enable traps pppoe
snmp-server enable traps cpu threshold
snmp-server enable traps rsvp
snmp-server enable traps syslog
snmp-server enable traps l2tun session
snmp-server enable traps l2tun pseudowire status
snmp-server enable traps vtp
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm cc mep-up mep-down cross-connect loop config
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm crosscheck mep-missing mep-unknown service-up
snmp-server enable traps ipsla
snmp-server enable traps dial
snmp-server enable traps dsp card-status
snmp-server enable traps dsp oper-state
snmp-server enable traps dsp video-usage
snmp-server enable traps dsp video-out-of-resource
snmp-server enable traps rf
snmp-server enable traps vrfmib vrf-up vrf-down vnet-trunk-up vnet-trunk-down
snmp-server enable traps ccme
snmp-server enable traps srst
snmp-server enable traps voice
snmp-server enable traps dnis
snmp-server host version 2c PUBLIC
snmp-server host version 2c public
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.loads alias P0030801SR02.loads
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.sb2 alias P0030801SR02.sb2
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.sbn alias P0030801SR02.sbn
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.txt alias P0030801SR02.txt
tftp-server flash:apps75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias apps75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias cnu75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias cvm75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias dsp75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias jar75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP75.9-2-1S.loads alias SCCP75.9-2-1S.loads
tftp-server flash:term75.default.loads alias term75.default.loads
tftp-server flash:BOOT69xx.0-0-0-14.zz.sgn alias BOOT69xx.0-0-0-14.zz.sgn
tftp-server flash:DSP69xx.0-0-0-8.zz.sgn alias DSP69xx.0-0-0-8.zz.sgn
tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.loads alias SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.loads
tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.zz.sgn alias SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.zz.sgn
tftp-server flash:rootfs78xx.10-3-1-12.sbn
tftp-server flash:kern78xx.10-3-1-12.sbn
tftp-server flash:sboot78xx.10-3-1-12.sbn
tftp-server flash:sip78xx.10-3-1-12.loads
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 remark -=[Control CUCME Web Access]=-
access-list 1 permit
access-list 101 permit tcp any object-group BACKUPSERVERS range 8400 8402
access-list 101 permit tcp any object-group BACKUPSERVERS range 8600 8620
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 443
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 902
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 443
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 902
access-list 101 permit ip any host
access-list 101 permit icmp any any echo
access-list 101 permit icmp any any echo-reply
access-list 101 deny ip any any
access-list 102 permit tcp any host eq 22
voice-port 0/0/0:15
translation-profile incoming DID
bearer-cap 3100Hz
voice-port 0/1/0
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-port 0/1/2
voice-port 0/1/3
voice-port 0/0/1:15
translation-profile incoming ETISALAT
bearer-cap 3100Hz
mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only
mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/2
sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 7.0
sccp ccm group 1
bind interface GigabitEthernet0/2
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 1 register xxxCONF
dspfarm profile 1 conference
codec g729br8
codec g729r8
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
maximum conference-participants 16
maximum sessions 2
conference-join custom-cptone CONF-JOIN
conference-leave custom-cptone CONF-LEAVE
associate application SCCP
dial-peer cor custom
name local
name gsm
name international
name internal
name national
dial-peer cor list call-local
member local
member internal
dial-peer cor list call-gsm
member local
member gsm
member internal
member national
dial-peer cor list call-int
member local
member gsm
member international
member internal
member national
dial-peer cor list call-internal
member internal
dial-peer cor list call-national
member local
member internal
member national
dial-peer voice 1 pots
translation-profile incoming DID
incoming called-number .
dial-peer voice 2 pots
corlist outgoing call-local
description outbound Local calls
translation-profile outgoing 123
destination-pattern 9[2-9]......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 7
dial-peer voice 3 pots
corlist outgoing call-national
description outbound National calls
translation-profile outgoing 123
destination-pattern 9[0-9].[2-9]......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 9
dial-peer voice 4 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing 123
destination-pattern 90[7-9]0[2-9].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 101 voip
translation-profile incoming DID
destination-pattern 400
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 10 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing 123
destination-pattern 90[7-8]1[0-9].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 11 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing 123
destination-pattern 90[7-9].[0-9].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 100 voip
destination-pattern 49[89]
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 5 pots
corlist outgoing call-int
description outbound International
destination-pattern 0T
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 460 voip
destination-pattern 460
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 19 pots
translation-profile incoming ETISALAT
incoming called-number 08090460440
dial-peer voice 20 pots
corlist outgoing call-local
description outbound Local calls
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
preference 1
destination-pattern 9[2-9]......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 7
dial-peer voice 21 pots
corlist outgoing call-national
description outbound National calls
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
preference 1
destination-pattern 9[0-9].[2-9]......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 9
dial-peer voice 22 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
preference 1
destination-pattern 90[7-9]0[2-9].......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 23 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
preference 1
destination-pattern 90[7-9]1[0-9].......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 24 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
preference 1
destination-pattern 90[7-9].[0-9].......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 25 pots
corlist outgoing call-int
description outbound International
preference 1
destination-pattern 0T
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits all
sip-server ipv4:
ephone-type 7821
num-buttons 1
max-presentation 1
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm tag 1 xxxCONF
conference hardware
authentication credential admin C1sc0
xml user user23 password cisco123 15
max-ephones 70
max-dn 120
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 36
system message xxx
url services
url authentication
load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.loads
time-zone 23
date-format dd-mm-yy
voicemail 498
max-conferences 2 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
web admin system name admin password C1sc0
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 9
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jun 02 2015 07:25:52
ephone-template 1
conference admin
softkeys seized Redial Endcall Cfwdall Meetme Pickup Gpickup Callback
softkeys connected Hold Trnsfer Park Endcall Confrn ConfList Join Select RmLstC
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 401
label Reception
name Reception
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 402
label Md's PA
name Md's PA
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 403
label Seun
name Seun
call-forward noan 498 timeout 10
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 404
label Tosho
name Tosho
call-forward noan 498 timeout 10
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 405
label Richard
name Richard
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 406
label Tade
name Tade
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 407
label Legal
name Legal
ephone-dn 9 dual-line
number 409
label Aminu
name Aminu
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 410
label Uche
name Uche
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 15
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 412
label Obinna
name Obinna
ephone-dn 13 dual-line
number 413
label Sybil
name Sybil
ephone-dn 14 dual-line
number 414
label Bisi
name Bisi
ephone-dn 15 dual-line
number 415
label CIO
name CIO
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 16 dual-line
number 416
label Meeting room
name Meeting room
ephone-dn 17 dual-line
number 417
label Stella
name Stella
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 18 dual-line
number 418
label Board member
name Board member
ephone-dn 19 dual-line
number 419
label NIAF1
name NIAF1
ephone-dn 20 dual-line
number 420
label NIAF2
name NIAF2
ephone-dn 21 dual-line
number 421
label Admin
name Admin
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 22 dual-line
number 422
label Kayode
name Kayode
ephone-dn 23 dual-line
number 423
label Victor
name Victor
ephone-dn 24 dual-line
number 424
label Cassandra
name Cassandra
ephone-dn 25 dual-line
number 425
label Kola
name Kola
ephone-dn 26 dual-line
number 426
label Tom
name Tom
ephone-dn 27 dual-line
number 427
label Kabir
name Kabir
ephone-dn 28 dual-line
number 428
label I.T
name I.T
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 29 dual-line
number 429
label Barbara
name Barbara
ephone-dn 31 octo-line
number 478
description meet-me conference extension
conference meetme
ephone-dn 32 octo-line
number A1000
conference ad-hoc
ephone-dn 33 octo-line
number 479
description meet-me conference extension
conference meetme
ephone-dn 34
number 469
label Test
name Test
call-forward busy 800
call-forward noan 800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 35
number 801...
mwi on
ephone-dn 36
number 802...
mwi off
ephone-dn 44
number 444
call-forward all 498
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 10
ephone-dn 50 dual-line
number 450
label Conference Phone
name Conference Phone
ephone 1
mac-address F029.29E3.DB3F
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 7945
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address A418.75F0.827A
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB8A
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:3
ephone 4
mac-address 8478.ACC6.9BE1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:4
ephone 5
mac-address 70CA.9B99.87DE
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:5
ephone 6
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A27B
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:6
ephone 7
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A291
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:7
ephone 9
mac-address 8478.ACC6.8E3B
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:9
ephone 10
mac-address F41F.C267.2A59
ephone-template 1
type 7975
button 1:10
ephone 12
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CBA1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:12
ephone 13
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CBAC
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:13
ephone 14
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB2C
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:14
ephone 15
mac-address 20BB.C092.F5FA
ephone-template 1
type 7945
button 1:15
ephone 16
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A1CF
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:16
ephone 17
mac-address 20BB.C092.F655
ephone-template 1
type 7945
button 1:17
ephone 18
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB8B
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:18
ephone 19
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB99
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:19
ephone 20
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB16
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:20
ephone 21
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB21
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:21
ephone 22
mac-address 8478.ACC6.8F23
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:22
ephone 23
mac-address 8478.ACC6.9CA3
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:23
ephone 24
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CBAA
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:24
ephone 25
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB2F
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:25
ephone 26
mac-address 8478.ACC6.928E
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:26
ephone 27
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB31
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:27
ephone 28
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A24E
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:28
ephone 29
mac-address 8478.ACC6.C866
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:29
ephone 34
mac-address 843A.4B96.7DB9
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 7960
button 1:34
ephone 50
mac-address 0004.F2F2.82BC
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 7937
button 1:50
ephone 99
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB76
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:44
line con 0
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line 2
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
stopbits 1
line 131
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
logging synchronous
transport input telnet ssh
line vty 5 15
access-class 23 in
privilege level 15
transport input telnet ssh
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp master
ntp server
xxx#show ver
Cisco IOS Software, C2900 Software (C2900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(1)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 12-Feb-14 04:57 by prod_rel_team
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 15.0(1r)M16, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
xxx-ABJ-ROUTER1 uptime is 2 weeks, 1 day, 9 hours, 22 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 07:24:57 UTC Tue Jun 2 2015
System image file is "flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-1.T1.bin"
Last reload type: Normal Reload
Last reload reason: power-on
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
Cisco CISCO2921/K9 (revision 1.0) with 471040K/53248K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FGL17231074
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
47 Serial interfaces
2 terminal lines
2 Channelized E1/PRI ports
4 Voice FXO interfaces
1 Internal Services Module (ISM) with Services Ready Engine (SRE)
Cisco Unity Express 8.6.6 in slot/sub-slot 0/0
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity enabled.
255K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
250880K bytes of ATA System CompactFlash 0 (Read/Write)
License Info:
License UDI:
Device# PID SN
*1 CISCO2921/K9 FGL17231074
Technology Package License Information for Module:'c2900'
Technology Technology-package Technology-package
Current Type Next reboot
ipbase ipbasek9 Permanent ipbasek9
security None None None
uc uck9 Permanent uck9
data None None None
NtwkEss None None None
CollabPro None None None
Configuration register is 0x2102
xxx-ABJ-ROUTER1#show ip route
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP
a - application route
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override
Gateway of last resort is to network
S* [1/0] via is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 4 masks
S [1/0] via
C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/1
L is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/1
S [1/0] via is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/2
L is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/2
S is directly connected, ISM0/0
xxx-ABJ-ROUTER1#show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Embedded-Service-Engine0/0 unassigned YES NVRAM initializing down
GigabitEthernet0/0 unassigned YES NVRAM down down
ISM0/0 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet0/1 YES NVRAM up up
GigabitEthernet0/2 YES NVRAM up up
ISM0/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Serial0/0/0:0 unassigned YES unset up up
Serial0/0/0:1 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:2 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:3 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:4 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:5 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:6 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:7 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:8 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:9 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:10 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:11 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:12 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:13 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:14 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:15 unassigned YES unset up up
Serial0/0/0:16 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:17 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:18 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:19 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:20 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:21 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:22 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:23 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:24 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:25 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:26 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:27 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:28 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:29 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/0:30 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:0 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:1 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:2 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:3 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:4 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:5 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:6 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:7 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:8 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:9 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:10 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:11 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:12 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:13 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:14 unassigned YES unset down down
Serial0/0/1:15 unassigned YES unset up up
Vlan1 unassigned YES unset up up
xxx-ABJ-ROUTER1#sh vlan-switch
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active IS0/1
1002 fddi-default act/unsup
1003 token-ring-default act/unsup
1004 fddinet-default act/unsup
1005 trnet-default act/unsup
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 1002 1003
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 1 1003
1003 tr 101003 1500 1005 0 - - srb 1 1002
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - 1 ibm - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - 1 ibm - 0 0
ā02-27-2017 04:32 AM
Can you get the below debugs while trying to register the phone and post it here to check.
debug ccsip messages
debug tftp events
ā05-26-2017 08:53 AM
Thanks Rajan ...i was able to register the phones but none of them are dialing out
Thanks for your Support
Here is my Config:
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 27389 bytes
! Last configuration change at 19:02:53 UTC Fri May 19 2017 by admin
version 15.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname XXX-ABJ-ROUTER1
boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-1.T1.bin
card type e1 0 0
enable secret 5 $1$/JuG$46N5m0d2hL0EsJmPc8qaU0
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
clock timezone UTC 1 0
network-clock-participate wic 0
network-clock-select 1 E1 0/0/0
ip domain name xxx.local
ip name-server
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-net5
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3666831702
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3666831702
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3666831702
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3666831702
certificate self-signed 01
3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 33363636 38333137 3032301E 170D3133 30363033 31343336
34325A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D33 36363638
33313730 3230819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
8100E605 E0E1817F 67F0B94E 8A67260A F9EA1B30 FF8BE198 DF187A7B 198DEC3B
210FBA58 9DBA0550 9E18BDC2 56B2E24F D28CD608 09516ED8 9A447C66 681E357D
C6DD02C8 93A32391 136618F5 6F80FC66 37D980AB 7D336C36 BE505371 2BF22B63
3CFC3302 95345E42 AD0EE1DF 494C5076 9619CFDD D10F7FAA 458A7D1D FEF97E14
44890203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 1477D52D 6B1AD5B1 4764BAA2 919CC9B8 92B2A164 BD301D06
03551D0E 04160414 77D52D6B 1AD5B147 64BAA291 9CC9B892 B2A164BD 300D0609
2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 81810050 115D8833 228F26A0 3D037FF0 1785DCE0
0E4DBF9F EB9DDBEC 28688ABD 890DF5BA DC0FD49B B1629791 690C9EAC CD1864C1
C1E7ECEA BABBE687 03B1DA38 AA93F351 366886D6 7EA5301F EEA01CAE 39729DF0
A7E41370 528A083F 513507FD 52C5F6B8 9E4E2573 1AFCF75F 4296A11B E9298926
5FD52B5C 7906DE46 CE985897 C33691
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
redirect ip2ip
fax protocol pass-through g711ulaw
modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw redundancy maximum-sessions 5
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/2
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/2
registrar server expires max 600 min 60
options-ping 90
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g711alaw
codec preference 3 g729r8
voice class codec 2
voice class h323 1
h225 timeout tcp establish 3
h225 timeout setup 3
voice class custom-cptone CONF-JOIN
dualtone conference
frequency 1000 2000
cadence 100 50 200 50 300 50 400 50
voice class custom-cptone CONF-LEAVE
dualtone conference
frequency 400 800
voice register pool-type 7821
xml-config maxNumCalls 6
xml-config busyTrigger 6
num-lines 4
description Cisco SIP phone 7821
reference-pooltype 6921
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 60
max-pool 60
load 7821 sip78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.loads
authenticate register
authenticate realm all
timezone 23
time-format 24
date-format D/M/Y
tftp-path flash:
create profile sync 0040952657323885
voice register dn 56
number 456
allow watch
name XXX-456
label XXX-456
voice register dn 57
number 457
allow watch
name XXX-457
label XXX-457
voice register dn 58
number 458
allow watch
name XXX-458
label XXX-458
voice register dn 59
number 459
allow watch
name XXX-459
label XXX-459
voice register dn 60
number 460
allow watch
name XXX-460
label XXX-460
voice register pool 56
busy-trigger-per-button 1
id mac C800.84AA.4D9E
type 7821
number 1 dn 56
dtmf-relay sip-notify
username XXX-456 password 456
codec g711alaw
voice register pool 57
busy-trigger-per-button 1
id mac C800.84AA.6656
type 7821
number 1 dn 57
dtmf-relay sip-notify
username XXX-457 password 457
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 58
busy-trigger-per-button 1
id mac C800.84AA.4E95
type 7821
number 1 dn 58
dtmf-relay sip-notify
voice-class codec 1
username XXX-458 password 458
voice register pool 59
busy-trigger-per-button 1
id mac C800.84AA.4D61
type 7821
number 1 dn 59
dtmf-relay sip-notify
voice-class codec 1
username XXX-459 password 459
voice register pool 60
busy-trigger-per-button 1
id mac C800.84AA.4E9F
type 7821
number 1 dn 60
dtmf-relay sip-notify
voice-class codec 1
username XXX-460 password 460
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /4610400/ /400/
voice translation-rule 2
rule 1 /^\(4..\)$/ /4610\1/
rule 2 /^.*\(4..\)$/ /4610\1/
voice translation-rule 3
rule 1 /8090460440/ /400/
voice translation-profile 123
translate calling 2
voice translation-profile DID
translate called 1
voice translation-profile ETI-OUT
translate calling 4
voice translation-profile ETISALAT
translate called 3
license udi pid CISCO2921/K9 sn FGL17231074
hw-module ism 0
hw-module pvdm 0/0
hw-module pvdm 0/1
hw-module pvdm 0/2
object-group network BACKUPSERVERS
object-group service COMMVAULT
tcp range 8400 8402
tcp range 8600 8620
username admin privilege 15 secret 5 $1$vUMM$8s6YOgTu0fpb0Yf9yxoc00
username administrator password 7 022707580E424B7318
username appadmin privilege 15 password 7 112A48161442
username Richard password 7 11281A0612564F5E50
username Tunde password 7 022707580E424B7318
username Temitope password 7 11281A0612564F5E50
username Austin password 7 047A08050A65081C5D
username ConferenceNo password 7 134755
controller E1 0/0/0
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-31
description MTN E1 LINES
controller E1 0/0/1
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-16
description ETISALAT LINE
translation-rule 3
Rule 0 ^00 0
Rule 1 ^01 1
Rule 2 ^02 2
Rule 3 ^03 3
Rule 4 ^04 4
Rule 5 ^05 5
Rule 6 ^06 6
Rule 7 ^07 7
Rule 8 ^08 8
Rule 9 ^09 9
gw-accounting file
primary ftp username anonymous password 7 0538102D284042103B0902171848
secondary ifs flash:cdrbib
maximum buffer-size 15
maximum retry-count 4
maximum cdrflush-timer 65
interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface ISM0/0
description unity express module
ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/2
service-module ip address
!Application: CUE Running on ISM
service-module ip default-gateway
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description WAN PORT
ip address
ip access-group 101 in
ip nbar protocol-discovery ipv4
duplex auto
speed auto
no cdp tlv app
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
interface ISM0/1
description Internal switch interface connected to Internal Service Module
no ip address
interface Serial0/0/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn overlap-receiving
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bchan-number-order ascending
isdn outgoing display-ie
no cdp tlv app
interface Serial0/0/1:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn overlap-receiving
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bchan-number-order ascending
isdn outgoing display-ie
no cdp tlv app
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http access-class 1
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
ip http path flash:
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route ISM0/0
logging trap notifications
logging host
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server community PUBLIC RO
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart
snmp-server enable traps vrrp
snmp-server enable traps transceiver all
snmp-server enable traps ds1
snmp-server enable traps call-home message-send-fail server-fail
snmp-server enable traps tty
snmp-server enable traps eigrp
snmp-server enable traps ospf state-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf errors
snmp-server enable traps ospf retransmit
snmp-server enable traps ospf lsa
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change nssa-trans-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change shamlink interface
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change shamlink neighbor
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific errors
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific retransmit
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific lsa
snmp-server enable traps gatekeeper
snmp-server enable traps xgcp
snmp-server enable traps license
snmp-server enable traps envmon
snmp-server enable traps flash insertion removal
snmp-server enable traps c3g
snmp-server enable traps ds3
snmp-server enable traps adslline
snmp-server enable traps vdsl2line
snmp-server enable traps icsudsu
snmp-server enable traps isdn call-information
snmp-server enable traps isdn layer2
snmp-server enable traps isdn chan-not-avail
snmp-server enable traps isdn ietf
snmp-server enable traps ds0-busyout
snmp-server enable traps ds1-loopback
snmp-server enable traps energywise
snmp-server enable traps vstack
snmp-server enable traps mac-notification
snmp-server enable traps bgp
snmp-server enable traps isis
snmp-server enable traps aaa_server
snmp-server enable traps atm subif
snmp-server enable traps cef resource-failure peer-state-change peer-fib-state-change inconsistency
snmp-server enable traps memory bufferpeak
snmp-server enable traps cnpd
snmp-server enable traps config-copy
snmp-server enable traps config
snmp-server enable traps config-ctid
snmp-server enable traps entity
snmp-server enable traps fru-ctrl
snmp-server enable traps resource-policy
snmp-server enable traps event-manager
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay multilink bundle-mismatch
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay subif
snmp-server enable traps hsrp
snmp-server enable traps ipmulticast
snmp-server enable traps msdp
snmp-server enable traps mvpn
snmp-server enable traps nhrp nhs
snmp-server enable traps nhrp nhc
snmp-server enable traps nhrp nhp
snmp-server enable traps nhrp quota-exceeded
snmp-server enable traps pim neighbor-change rp-mapping-change invalid-pim-message
snmp-server enable traps pppoe
snmp-server enable traps cpu threshold
snmp-server enable traps rsvp
snmp-server enable traps syslog
snmp-server enable traps l2tun session
snmp-server enable traps l2tun pseudowire status
snmp-server enable traps vtp
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm cc mep-up mep-down cross-connect loop config
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm crosscheck mep-missing mep-unknown service-up
snmp-server enable traps ipsla
snmp-server enable traps dial
snmp-server enable traps dsp card-status
snmp-server enable traps dsp oper-state
snmp-server enable traps dsp video-usage
snmp-server enable traps dsp video-out-of-resource
snmp-server enable traps rf
snmp-server enable traps vrfmib vrf-up vrf-down vnet-trunk-up vnet-trunk-down
snmp-server enable traps ccme
snmp-server enable traps srst
snmp-server enable traps voice
snmp-server enable traps dnis
snmp-server host version 2c PUBLIC
snmp-server host version 2c public
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.loads alias P0030801SR02.loads
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.sb2 alias P0030801SR02.sb2
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.sbn alias P0030801SR02.sbn
tftp-server flash:P0030801SR02.txt alias P0030801SR02.txt
tftp-server flash:apps75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias apps75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias cnu75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias cvm75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias dsp75.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn alias jar75sccp.9-2-1TH1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP75.9-2-1S.loads alias SCCP75.9-2-1S.loads
tftp-server flash:term75.default.loads alias term75.default.loads
tftp-server flash:BOOT69xx.0-0-0-14.zz.sgn alias BOOT69xx.0-0-0-14.zz.sgn
tftp-server flash:DSP69xx.0-0-0-8.zz.sgn alias DSP69xx.0-0-0-8.zz.sgn
tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.loads alias SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.loads
tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.zz.sgn alias SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.zz.sgn
tftp-server flash:kern78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.sbn
tftp-server flash:rootfs78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.sbn
tftp-server flash:sboot78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.sbn
tftp-server flash:sip78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.loads
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 remark -=[Control CUCME Web Access]=-
access-list 1 permit
access-list 101 permit tcp any object-group BACKUPSERVERS range 8400 8402
access-list 101 permit tcp any object-group BACKUPSERVERS range 8600 8620
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 443
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 902
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 443
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 902
access-list 101 permit ip any host
access-list 101 permit ip any host
access-list 101 permit icmp any any echo
access-list 101 permit icmp any any echo-reply
access-list 101 deny ip any any
access-list 102 permit tcp any host eq 22
voice-port 0/0/0:15
translation-profile incoming DID
bearer-cap 3100Hz
voice-port 0/1/0
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-port 0/1/2
voice-port 0/1/3
voice-port 0/0/1:15
translation-profile incoming ETISALAT
bearer-cap 3100Hz
mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only
mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/2
sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 7.0
sccp ccm group 1
bind interface GigabitEthernet0/2
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 1 register XXXCONF
dspfarm profile 2 transcode
codec g729r8
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
maximum sessions 4
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 1 conference
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
codec g729r8
codec g729br8
maximum conference-participants 16
maximum sessions 2
conference-join custom-cptone CONF-JOIN
conference-leave custom-cptone CONF-LEAVE
associate application SCCP
dial-peer cor custom
name local
name gsm
name international
name internal
name national
dial-peer cor list call-local
member local
member internal
dial-peer cor list call-gsm
member local
member gsm
member internal
member national
dial-peer cor list call-int
member local
member gsm
member international
member internal
member national
dial-peer cor list call-internal
member internal
dial-peer cor list call-national
member local
member internal
member national
dial-peer voice 1 pots
translation-profile incoming DID
incoming called-number .
dial-peer voice 2 pots
corlist outgoing call-local
description outbound Local calls
translation-profile outgoing 123
preference 1
destination-pattern 9[2-9]......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 7
dial-peer voice 3 pots
corlist outgoing call-national
description outbound National calls
translation-profile outgoing 123
preference 1
destination-pattern 9[0-9].[2-9]......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 9
dial-peer voice 4 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing 123
preference 1
destination-pattern 90[7-9]0[2-9].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 101 voip
translation-profile incoming DID
destination-pattern 400
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 10 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing 123
preference 1
destination-pattern 90[7-8]1[0-9].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 11 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing 123
preference 1
destination-pattern 90[7-9].[0-9].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 100 voip
destination-pattern 49[89]
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 5 pots
corlist outgoing call-int
description outbound International
preference 1
destination-pattern 0T
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 460 voip
destination-pattern 460
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 19 pots
translation-profile incoming ETISALAT
incoming called-number 08090460440
dial-peer voice 20 pots
corlist outgoing call-local
description outbound Local calls
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
destination-pattern 9[2-9]......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 7
dial-peer voice 21 pots
corlist outgoing call-national
description outbound National calls
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
destination-pattern 9[0-9].[2-9]......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 9
dial-peer voice 22 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
destination-pattern 90[7-9]0[2-9].......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 23 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
destination-pattern 90[7-9]1[0-9].......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 24 pots
corlist outgoing call-gsm
description outgoing gsm
translation-profile outgoing ETI-OUT
destination-pattern 90[7-9].[0-9].......
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 25 pots
corlist outgoing call-int
description outbound International
destination-pattern 0T
port 0/0/1:15
forward-digits all
sip-server ipv4:
ephone-type 7821
device-id 7821
device-name Cisco IP Phone 7821
device-type SIP
num-buttons 2
max-presentation 1
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm transcode sessions 24
sdspfarm tag 1 XXXCONF
conference hardware
authentication credential admin C1sc0
xml user user23 password cisco123 15
max-ephones 70
max-dn 120
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 36
system message XXX
url services
url authentication
load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0.loads
time-zone 23
date-format dd-mm-yy
voicemail 498
max-conferences 2 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
web admin system name admin password cisco
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 9
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Apr 28 2017 14:06:18
ephone-template 1
conference admin
softkeys seized Redial Endcall Cfwdall Meetme Pickup Gpickup Callback
softkeys connected Hold Trnsfer Park Endcall Confrn ConfList Join Select RmLstC
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 401
label Reception
name Reception
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 402
label Md's PA
name Md's PA
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 403
label Seun
name Seun
call-forward noan 498 timeout 10
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 404
label Tosho
name Tosho
call-forward noan 498 timeout 10
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 405
label Richard
name Richard
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 406
label Tade
name Tade
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 407
label Tonte
name Tonte
ephone-dn 8 dual-line
number 408
label Chinedu
name Chinedu
ephone-dn 9 dual-line
number 409
label Aminu
name Aminu
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 410
label Uche
name Uche
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 15
ephone-dn 11
number 411
label Titi
name Titi
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 412
label Obinna
name Obinna
ephone-dn 13 dual-line
number 413
label Sybil
name Sybil
ephone-dn 14 dual-line
number 414
label Bisi
name Bisi
ephone-dn 15 dual-line
number 415
label CIO
name CIO
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 16 dual-line
number 416
label Meeting room
name Meeting room
ephone-dn 17 dual-line
number 417
label Stella
name Stella
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 18 dual-line
number 418
label Board member
name Board member
ephone-dn 19 dual-line
number 419
label NIAF1
name NIAF1
ephone-dn 20 dual-line
number 420
label Ezinwa
name Ezinwa
ephone-dn 21 dual-line
number 421
label Admin
name Admin
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 22 dual-line
number 422
label Kayode
name Kayode
ephone-dn 23 dual-line
number 423
label Victor
name Victor
ephone-dn 24 dual-line
number 424
label Cassandra
name Cassandra
ephone-dn 25 dual-line
number 425
label Kola
name Kola
ephone-dn 26 dual-line
number 426
label Maryam
name Maryam
ephone-dn 27 dual-line
number 427
label Seun Lawal
name Seun Lawal
ephone-dn 28 dual-line
number 428
label I.T
name I.T
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 29 dual-line
number 429
label Barbara
name Barbara
ephone-dn 30 dual-line
number 430
label Kizito
name Kizito
ephone-dn 31
number 431
label dennis
name dennis
ephone-dn 32
number 432
label Pius
name Pius
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 33 octo-line
number 479
description meet-me conference extension
conference meetme
ephone-dn 34
number 469
label Test
name Test
call-forward busy 800
call-forward noan 800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 35
number 801...
mwi on
ephone-dn 36
number 802...
mwi off
ephone-dn 44
number 444
call-forward all 498
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 10
ephone-dn 50 dual-line
number 450
label Conference Phone
name Conference Phone
ephone-dn 51
number 451
label dennis
name dennis
call-forward busy 498
call-forward noan 498 timeout 30
ephone-dn 52 octo-line
number A1000
conference ad-hoc
ephone-dn 55
number 460
label new phone
name new phone
ephone 1
mac-address F029.29E3.DB3F
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 7945
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address A418.75F0.827A
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB8A
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:3
ephone 4
mac-address 8478.ACC6.9BE1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:4
ephone 5
mac-address 70CA.9B99.87DE
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:5
ephone 6
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A27B
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:6
ephone 7
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A291
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:7
ephone 8
mac-address 6400.F13A.CA6E
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:8
ephone 9
mac-address 8478.ACC6.8E3B
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:9
ephone 10
mac-address F41F.C267.2A59
ephone-template 1
type 7975
button 1:10
ephone 11
mac-address 6400.F13A.CA71
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:11
ephone 12
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CBA1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:12
ephone 13
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CBAC
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:13
ephone 14
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB2C
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:14
ephone 15
mac-address 20BB.C092.F5FA
ephone-template 1
type 7945
button 1:15
ephone 16
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A1CF
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:16
ephone 17
mac-address 20BB.C092.F655
ephone-template 1
type 7945
button 1:17
ephone 18
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB8B
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:18
ephone 19
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB99
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:19
ephone 20
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB16
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:20
ephone 21
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB21
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:21
ephone 22
mac-address 8478.ACC6.8F23
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:22
ephone 23
mac-address 8478.ACC6.9CA3
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:23
ephone 24
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CBAA
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:24
ephone 25
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB2F
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:25
ephone 26
mac-address 8478.ACC6.928E
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:26
ephone 27
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB31
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:27
ephone 28
mac-address 8478.ACC6.A24E
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:28
ephone 29
mac-address 8478.ACC6.C866
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:29
ephone 30
mac-address E05F.B91F.B526
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:30
ephone 31
mac-address 6400.F13A.CA75
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:31
ephone 32
mac-address 6400.F13A.CE4C
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:32
ephone 34
mac-address 843A.4B96.7DB9
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 7960
button 1:34
ephone 36
ephone 50
mac-address 0004.F2F2.82BC
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type 7937
button 1:50
ephone 55
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
ephone 99
mac-address 8478.ACC6.CB76
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:44
line con 0
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line 2
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
stopbits 1
line 131
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
logging synchronous
transport input ssh
line vty 5 15
access-class 23 in
privilege level 15
transport input ssh
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp master
ntp server
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