Using CUCM 8.6.2 and CUBEAC in a virtualized environment. Recently after having some directory issues which TAC was able to assist in resolving. Our voicemail pilot 81000 is not being contacted when the receptionist phone 7965 does not answer the call. The "ac" user has all the pilot points associated and have the role and group membership to "Allow CTI device control" Voicemail throughout the CallManager is operational, just that one phone when internal/external callers are not answered the calls just ring continuously. We want the call to go to the receptionist voicemail when not answered. Additionally, I have not checked the translation pattern and tried looking into the voicemail pilot and but it doesn't look like there is a way for the receptionist phone to contact Unity.
Where does the user "ac" Make sure that this user checks Enable CTI Application Use ? checked everywhere my eyes are deceiving me
The voicemail default profile is set and CSS is able ot reach the v/m pilot number. As well "Forward No answer internal / External are checked and have a CSS associated in the DN config.
Does the Unity voicemail profile need a notification device configured, see attachment ?
I've checked through the advanced troubleshooting guide, install and config guide, and FAQ's, and others. Very difficult to find this setup. It's worked in the past from what I know. After-hours outside of the coverage time calls are still not answered. Can someone give me a checklist of sorts so I can be positive all pints are covered. Thanks to much !
I'd appreciate your assistance with resolving this issue.