Olá possuo CM 4.1 e estou tentando realizar o Backup com aplicativo BARS sem sucesso, esse apresentou após uma queda de energia e a perda de sincronismo entre os servidores, o problema de sincronismo foi sanado e agora falta o backup.
The BARS version installed is 4.0.15000
Staging Cisco Unified CallManager target xx.xx.xx.xx.
[04:16:02 PM] Saving Cisco Unified CallManager version.
[04:16:03 PM] Staging LmHosts file.
[04:16:03 PM] Staging Hosts file.
[04:16:03 PM] Staging CallManagerAttendant file.
[04:16:03 PM] Staging security files from \\xx.xx.xx.xx\C$\Program Files\Cisco\Certificates
[04:16:03 PM] Staging IPMA configuration file.
[04:16:04 PM] Finding Cisco Unified CallManager database.
[04:16:04 PM] No CDR file exists.
[04:16:04 PM] Verifying disk space for copying TFTP files.
[04:16:04 PM] Staging TFTP files from \\xx.xx.xx.xx\C$\Program Files\Cisco\TFTPpath.
[04:17:42 PM] Staging DSN information from xx.xx.xx.xx.
[04:17:43 PM] [Error] Failed to backup dsn_cra_hrdb Registry.
[04:17:54 PM] Saving Cisco services type.
[04:17:55 PM] [Error] Could not backup Cisco Unified CallManager successfully on xx.xx.xx.xx.
[04:18:46 PM]
[04:18:46 PM] Staging complete. Size of staging directory is 1555MB.
[04:18:46 PM] Building archive C:\Backups\Backup06-04-12#16-18.tar.
[04:38:18 PM] Archive built successfully.
[04:38:18 PM] Backup operation completed with errors. For more details, please go through the backup logs.
any tips?
thank you