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press 0 after retrieved voicemail

Level 1
Level 1

What's the default behavior, if a user listened his voicemail and press 0. The problem we have right now is : we have two offices, A and B. When a user in office A pressed 0 after he retrieved his voice mail, the call routed to Office B's receptionist. I didn't see anywhere I can config this. Thanks

3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I'm not sure I'm following you here... after listening to your messages (from within the subscriber conversation) 0 doesn't take you anywhere - it gets you help.

do you mean that they exit the subscriber conversation? This by default takes you to the opening greeting call handler. If you're in 4.0(1) or later (you didn't provide your version number so I'm going to assume you're on 4.x) you can define the exit destination on a per user basis such that you can go somewhere else other than the opening greeting.

If that's not what you're getting at, provide your version number and a more detailed call flow here so we know what it is you're trying to do.

what key is to exit the conversation? * or #? Does this work anytime in the conversation?

My customer said whenever they enter 0 after retrieved mail, it rings another office's operator phone, this doesn't make sense to me. I asked them to verify this and I'll get back to you.


Pressing 0 from within the subscriber conversation gets you the help conversation - at least in recent versions of Unity (again, the version number you're working with would be a real big help here). I suspect someone is getting their descriptions crossed up along the line to you.

* backs up one level (this is more or less VMUIF standard across most voice mail conversations). So from the top level subscriber menu (i.e. where you get your new message counts) if you hit * you exit out of the subscriber conversation.

By default this will take you to the opening greeting call handler but in 4.0(1) and later you can edit it on a per user basis.

You may want to check out the "Audiotext applications in Unity" paper on the Documents page of - it covers a lot of the nitty gritty details on call routing here.