After setting-up an sftp server on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS following this guide
I can't connect to it from CUCM 10.5.2. Here is the log
admin:file get tftp Ringlist.xml
Please wait while the system is gathering files info ...done.
Sub-directories were not traversed.
Number of files affected: 1
Total size in Bytes: 2657
Total size in Kbytes: 2.5947266
Would you like to proceed [y/n]? y
SFTP server IP:
SFTP server port [22]:
User ID: sftpuser
Password: ********
Download directory: ./
Could not connect to host on port 22. Please verify SFTP settings.
Please, note that such a server works properly with common clients (e.g., the sftp command, win scp )
I have already tried to add the following settings to sshd_config:
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
Ciphers +aes128-cbc
Ciphers +3des-cbc
but with no luck.
How can I fix that?