Hello there,
we have a UCS here which is a UCS SP BASE 5108 Blade. Also, there is a FI attached to that UCS called UCS FI 6332. In the UCS, the blade servers are Cisco B200 M6 and I'd like to upgrade the firmware on those devices. I know that the last time I did it, I got two firmware binaries: 4.X.(Xx)A and 4.X.(Xx)B. The A upgraded the UCS and the FI (without interruption due to redundancy), the B was for the servers which had to be taken into maintenance mode to do the upgrade.
Now I try to find data about the correct upgrade path as well as the unique correct most recent A and B packages for these devices and I couldn't find clear answers here. Could please anyone tell me how to find the correct ones?
Best Regards