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Nexus 1000v and packet/control on etherchannel

Level 1
Level 1


Is it possible to configure a vlan for packet&control on etherchannel?

does ESXi keep configurations locally which received from VSM? (also does it exist after reboot of ESXi?)

4 Replies 4

Robert Burns
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Yes you can trunk your VSM uplinks and carry both control & Packet VLANs (along with others).  This is common practice.

Opaque data is pushed from the VSM to the ESX hosts.  It's persistent until reboot.  Only VLANs set as "system vlans" will be forwarding upon a Host reboot - to allow ESX to initiate communication wnith the VSM and pull it's full configuration.



Thanks Robert,

I wanted to be sure because I have some problems with Control/Packet on etherchannel after reboots. (but Control&Packet is system vlan)


1) Active/Standby (on separate ESXi)

2) I configured Ethernet and vEthernet profiles on VSM

3) VSM can detect VEM only on the same host where VSM is. (I think it's ok because VSM needs to contact with VEM to push configuration about port profiles (also about etherchannels) and it carries it by control&packet vlan which is on etherchannel) So i did vMotion to another ESXi hosts and it helped. Etherchannel was ok.

Unfortunately after reboots of ESXi, Etherchannels isnt up. I have to migrate again VSM to that host ESXi and after it's ok. It looks like that VEM doesn't remember configuration about etherchannel and i need to push it again.

any clue?



You're missing a system vlan somewhere.

Ensure the Control & Packet VLANs are set as system VLANs in both:

-vEthernet Port Profiles

-Ethernet Port Profiles (uplinks)

Paste your VSM config as well as the upstream switch interface config (for one of your hosts). 

I'll be able to tell you more after reviewing this.


Did you get this resolved, I am having a similiar issue.  When I reboot a host, it does not come back up online and my port channels on the upstream switch are in suspend mode.  When I look at the 1000v, I do not see the VEM for the host I reboot.  I have to shutdown all the links except one on the upstream switch and then I can get the VEM back online and add the additional interfaces back to the port channel.

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