Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎07-19-2006

User Statistics

  • 376 Posts
  • 17 Solutions
  • 208 Helpful votes Given
  • 198 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi,I have a use case where shared computers are distributed through the company floor. These shared computers are "always logged in" with a generic domain account.We want employees to be able to use the internet on the shared computers by providing t...
I need the SMA to trust an internal CA so I can use secure LDAP for end user quarantine access but I can't find anywhere how to add a trusted CA to the SMA database. Is there a way to do it?
I'm trying to understand if the desktop client is a must or if I can manage everything through the web GUI.
I have an FTD currently being managed by a virtual FMC and I'm moving it to a FS4000 appliance. Is there any documentation for the proper steps to move the FMC? I already have the policies and objects created on the new FMC. What happens to the inter...
The link below has a sizing guide that talks about configuring multiple reporting servers and load balancing servers but the documentation has no information on how to configure multiple servers with specific roles (indexer, forwarder, etc). Is there...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-19-2006 11:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-30-2021 01:53 PM
Posts 376
Total Helpful Votes Received 198