Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎02-25-2006

User Statistics

  • 442 Posts
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  • 14 Helpful votes Given
  • 62 Helpful votes Received

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Below is our current simple UC setup. Call center with 3 agents who pickups call on queue via using Cisco Finesse & physical ip phone. UCCX 12.5 CUCM 12.5 We have a scenario as below Caller calls call center hotline/pilot line --> Agent A answers cal...
Hi All,  We have ordered the C8300-1N1S-4T2X and T2 license has been installed & registered with Smart Account, using CSSM. However we need to bring the box offline without internet for our production environment. Below is our licenses activated. C83...
Hi All,  We have two physical units of c9800 configured with RMI+RP ip address, & connected back2back on their RP port.  We were trying to test failover scenario by unplugging the uplink trunk port to our switch.  1. It failover successfully, ie stan...
Hi All,  WLC 9800 17.6.4 How we do configure Mobility Group on a WLC HA setup?  We have two units of WLC configured as HA with RMI+RP, thus we manage WLC on a single WLC active ip address & config is auto replicated to standby WLC.  Is peer mobility ...
Hi All,  We are due to migrate WLC2504 along with APs to new 9800WLC setup.  Based on the backup file preshared key configured is in this format.  config wlan security wpa akm psk set-key hex encrypt 1 b86d3329e44d59d45b3702def381431e 379eb848c2e12fa...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-25-2006 04:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-25-2023 12:06 AM
Posts 442
Total Helpful Votes Received 34
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