Jeal Jimenez
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎10-23-2006

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  • 40 Posts
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Cisco CleanAir will report the following traps on CUWN WLCs: - AP APNAME06[1] (50:1c:bf:b4:d8:00) Device ID: 0x20f9, Type: WiFi Invalid Channel[31], Severity: 0, Channels: 149, Cluster ID: 0e:58:c0:79:38:7d, Previous Cluster ID: 0e:58:c0:79:38:7d, Ev...
I think the best way to troubleshoot a WLAN authentication issue is by first understanding clearly the process of the security method implemented, so I will first summarize how 802.1X/EAP works, as this is basically the secure Layer-2 authenticati...
Sometimes we are just asked for assistance to configure a secure WLAN doing authentication against a “server” (most of the time trying to simulate what they already have on wired, normally for authentication of the domain users), but having no idea t...
Con el experto de Cisco: Jeal JiménezHaga sus preguntas y aclare sus dudas a cerca de como implementar, configurar, y hacer troubleshooting/análisis en una Cisco WLAN, cubriendo las opciones y funcionalidades que se soportan hoy en día en los produc...
 IntroductionThis document describes the different types of wireless roaming and fast secure roaming methods available for 802.11 WLANs and supported on the CUWN.The document is not meant to provide all the specifics about how each method works or ho...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-23-2006 09:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-10-2021 12:15 AM
Posts 40
Total Helpful Votes Received 611
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