bilal Adel Mohammed
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Member since ‎01-13-2014

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  • 20 Posts
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Hi everyone ,I really  need your help ,I have two FTD 4110 both are registered to FMC 1000 and  used to working in High Availability mode , but last week one of them go to Disabled status .FTD-HA status  was :FTD-1  ( primary / Active )  , FTD-2 ( Se...
Dear All ,I have two stack switches ( WS-C3850-24S ) with SW version 16.3.6 , one of them stuck in boot ..( please find the snapshot)I search for the error and it's seem i get cisco Bug CSCuv75864Can you please help me with the solution steps to fix ...
Hi all ,I need you help please ,Briefly , I have two FMC 1000 ( HA ) and I have to upgrade them from current 6.2.2 to 6.2.3.I got the upgrade image from Cisco Website and I upload the package to Standby FMC System >> Update >> Upload  >> ( I got the ...
Dears , I need your help with my problem , As you know almost all Client want to using internet while they are using anyconnect session . this is operated normally by adding split-tunnel to the configuration . But when I configure anyconnect posture ...
Dear All , I am in the middle of project and I have to complete the ISE Anyconnect posture configuration , the connection flow will be like : Client >>>>> (Public IP ) ASA2130 ( Anyconnect server ) >>>>> ISE 2.4 ( private IP addresss ) AnyConnect is ...
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Member Since ‎01-13-2014 12:23 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-07-2021 03:31 AM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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