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Member since ‎01-03-2019

User Statistics

  • 95 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 65 Helpful votes Given
  • 176 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi all I have been trying to license the C93180YC-FX running 9.3.7 for the entire morning and I cannot make it to register to the on-Prem SSM. I am very familiar with IOS-XE smart licensing but Nexus seems to be a different beast. I have an on-prem S...
Hello all I appreciate this question has been raised before and it seems we don't have a solution yet. So I would like to see if anyone has found a solution. I have been tasked to "figure out" how to perform a (2 member) cat9300 stack upgrade with no...
HiIt seems that I am hitting a bug with pushing a very generic template for a C1111-8PLTEEAW* that is connected to WAN via wired interface Gi0/0/1. cEdge is running IOS-XE SDWAN version All controllers are running 19.2.2. The router h...
HiI am trying to attach a feature template to n an C1111-8PLTEEAWE running 16.12.03 IOS-XE SDWAN. Controllers are running version 19.2.2. I manually configured the cisco router and it has sucessfully built control connections to the controllers. Now,...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-03-2019 06:58 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-26-2021 12:01 AM
Posts 95
Total Helpful Votes Received 176
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