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Member since ‎08-08-2016

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Hi All,I am trying to figure out the root cause of this error response from VMRest but it seem to be failing in CsCmlJniMailbox. I need to know what might be causing this issue. I do not have access to the data but I can confirm that the following ca...
When I call the get_file_list web method I am presented with the following response. "cmsaxl is not authorized to access CDRonDemandService2" I use cmsaxl to get the wsdl and the user also has the following roles and groups -  Groups: Standard CCM ...
Hi All,I am wondering if adding a user to be SMTP archiving in WebEx Messenger makes them ineligible for federation? When I add a user to SMTP archiving, I am unable to log in as them using a custom XMPP client. Is there a work around for this issue?...
Is there an API I can use that can programmatically export users as a CSV from WebEx Messenger Admin tool? Please see the screenshot below.Thanks!Drew
Please see image below.I need to get the groups and Policy Groups from WebEx Messenger using my own application. I cannot find any APIs other than jabberwerx for WebEx messenger, but I am not sure that it has the ability to get this set of data. Am I...
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Member Since ‎08-08-2016 09:51 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-05-2017 09:21 AM
Posts 11
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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