Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎04-15-2005

User Statistics

  • 270 Posts
  • 15 Solutions
  • 10 Helpful votes Given
  • 100 Helpful votes Received
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We have a customer who wants a wireless bridge/mesh link between two buildings. They want as much throughput as possible, better than 802.11b/g 54Mb for preference. We've identified Cisoc 1552E or I APs as suitable devices but we can't tell from the ...
Is there a way I can get CCM to notify me of the backup results? At the moment I wither have to check manually (v6) or use syslogging to trap a success or error. Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App
I'm prototyping a NAC setup which has to cater for Macintosh clients as well as Windows. I can get the Macs to authenticate via 802.1x (surprisingly easy using the built in software!) but what I can't do is setup a Posture Validation Rule to identify...
We are working on configuring a NAC Framework test network. We've got to the point where we can successfully evaluate and flag a client PC as healthy or quarantine and enable/disable it's switchport as appropriate. The next step that we are having a ...
We have a customer using an ACS SE 4.0 with a bought SSL cert from Geotrust installed authenticating to AD using PEAP security. We've found that a user can still authenticate using their domain credentials from a non-domain PC. Not good.We've found t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-15-2005 07:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-08-2019 09:43 AM
Posts 270
Total Helpful Votes Received 100
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