Chet Prokop
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Member since ‎03-01-2011

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The latest firmware for the RV320 posted Nov 17 as  I just downloaded and attempted to update to one of our bench RV320's running After it uploaded to the router, it kicked back a dialog saying bad firmware. Re-downloading resulte...
In the Security > IP Source Guard tab of the RV340 (fw selecting 'sort' either up or down does not work to sequence IPv4 Addresses. That's also true for the DHCP Binding table sort for IPv4 Addresses under Status-and-Stats > DHCP-Bindings ...
Setting up customer RV340 - needs to use PPTP VPN with Win10 VPN service.  When configuring PPTP Server tab, set start and end IP addresses to a small range within an unused group of IPs in the scope of the working subnet.  Regardless of where I try ...
We set up a RV340 with latest FW (  Since we're using dual wan we need to pay attention to the failover address and use dynamic DNS (DDNS) aliases to do so.  When entering a DDNS FQDN, we found two problems: 1)  The DDNS entry "fails"  wit...
We just got in a couple RV340's from distribution to install at customer sites.  As long time Cisco partners using RV320's for a long time we are looking forward to the 'new' model and feature adds.  But, puzzled with the timezone selection as it's n...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-01-2011 08:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-06-2023 12:27 AM
Posts 48
Total Helpful Votes Received 45
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