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Member since ‎05-12-2020

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  • 15 Posts
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  • 6 Helpful votes Received
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Hello guys,So as we deploy (add) the Cisco FTD and FMC in VMware Workstation with the .ovf file, the default disk size is very less and since we can thin provision, how can I increase this size to 2 TB.Also, once I upgrade my Cisco FTD or FMC, does t...
Dear Cisco Community, and @Leo Laohoo, I have to upgrade two Cisco ASR 1002-X Routers.Current version is: asr1002x-universalk9.03.16.05.S.155-3.S5-ext.SPA.bin (3.16.5S)Version to upgrade to: asr1002x-universalk9.17.03.05.SPA.bin (17.3.5)Current Rommo...
Hello there, I know that for 3850, there's 2 upgrade types i.e. bundle and install. So cut to the chase, I am confused about the many commands and ways people use to upgrade 3850 in Install mode.There are 3 ways that I have seen till now.1. install a...
Hello everyone, I understand STP and Etherchannel. I understand why STP is used i.e. to avoid broadcast storms i.e. switching loops by blocking certain ports, and etherchannel is used so that all the links bundled in an etherchannel appear as one log...
Hii guys, I was studying about Syslog and I am stuck here. The commands "logging monitor" and "terminal monitor" are both for vty lines. What is the difference between these 2 commands. Please do explain with an example i.e. command use-case. Thanks....
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Member Since ‎05-12-2020 08:45 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-24-2023 03:46 AM
Posts 15
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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