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Member since ‎01-19-2017

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hello  I have a Cisco 881 router I have a link with a fiber router I have put the fiber router in bridge mode to enable authentication on the cisco routeur  can you help me in this configuration ( the commande to put )  tks in advance 
hello  i'm just prechared a new ASA5506-X K8 i like upgrade it to K9 it's possible? thank you  attached information of the ASA 
Hello  any one have  a doc  step by step ( first setup and configuration of asa)  and Firepower ? thank you in a advance
Hello everyone, I am new to SA I want to set up an ASA 5525 on a local network in there are VLANs (Vlan print vlan server vlan client vlan wifi Vlan DMZ )I want how I can configure it and communicate the print and server vlan and client to each other...
Hello I try to change the name that displays in the phone I made the following configuration by cons I forgot the command that allows to apply the configurationthanks in advance voice register dn 12 number 9784 allow watch pickup-call any-group picku...
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Member Since ‎01-19-2017 03:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-12-2019 04:56 AM
Posts 13
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