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Member since ‎06-27-2006

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  • 17 Posts
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Have a customer that would like 4 digit ext dialing between their site with Cisco IPT and their main site with Avaya PBX. The main issue is that their Cisco IPT subnet does not have and cannot have visibiliity to the router at the Avaya site. Questio...
I have a newly installed 5.1 server that I have a non-gatekeeper intercluster trunk setup to a 4.2 server on. Calls flow perfectly from a 5.1 registered phone to a 4.2 extention but all I recieve is a fast busy when a 4.2 ext calls a 5.1. Advice?
Is there an easy way to reorganize where lines are placed on phones? Customer has 20 7961's and would like lines positioning changed around.
We have a remote site that is accessing our CCM's over a T1 and they seem to be having alot of problems with their Console's not reporting the correct line status and/or displaying ? for half the users. Its our understanding this is a multicast funct...
Is it possible to access a pick-up group from the Console Attendant?
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Member Since ‎06-27-2006 01:25 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-05-2024 12:24 AM
Posts 17
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