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Member since ‎09-25-2020

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  • 12 Posts
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Hi,I am in the process of setting up a VPN split tunnel for Microsoft Teams.  I currently use Cisco Anyconnect to connect using the Cisco ASA.Does anyone have a comprehensive list of activities which need to be completed.  I have configured dynamic t...
Followed the instructions to set up the UDP director and it does not appear in the Central Configuration page.  Removed it and added again and it still does not appear.   Logged a tac case, but any ideas would be appreciated.
I have enabled SSH and configured the SMA to talk to the P1 interface and it says connection refused.  Is this because the SMA needs to communicate using the M1 interface?
I would like to add additional fixed text in a Cisco WSA log subscription.  Is this possible using the custom field.  I tried it, and it said 'invalid field'
I have a WSA setup with 3 interfaces set up: P1, P2 and M1 Users browse to P1 successfully, however, I have noticed in the logs that the HOST: is M1, rather than P1. Is there any way to change this. Thanks in advance.
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Member Since ‎09-25-2020 05:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-28-2022 12:01 AM
Posts 12
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