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Level 1
Member since ‎09-27-2020

User Statistics

  • 43 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 29 Helpful votes Given
  • 33 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

Is it possible in Webex Admin to disable the public calendar option that users see?I can't find anything in Webex Admin by simply browsing, and I don't see any documentation mentioning this possibility.We've gotten a larger than usual number of our u...
For a few years we've been doing SAML authentication to Azure AD for Cisco Umbrella. Logins have worked fine through or the Azure AD URL of[appId]?tenantId=[ourtenant]. Logged in suc...
We deploy Secure Endpoint 8.1.7 to our few thousand devices, and we started getting a mountain of reports this morning that Google Chrome would not appear on the screen after attempting to open it. It's not 100% across the board, but it is a signific...
A few months back, we deployed Cisco Secure Endpoint 8.0.1 to our pilot Windows group and then our production Windows group. In testing there were seemingly no issues; However, eventually we began to notice that after these upgrades, Windows 10 (most...
We are a hosted Cisco Secure Email customer, and our appliances sit in front of Exchange Online for both inbound and outbound mail. (An Exchange rule + connector sends external mail to Secure Email for outbound delivery)Today I had a complaint of a b...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-27-2020 07:31 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-01-2024 01:07 AM
Posts 43
Total Helpful Votes Received 33