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Member since ‎08-24-2006

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  • 90 Posts
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Hi AllNeed some advice on ordering callmanager.Main office about 80 users, voicemail required for all users, isdn 30, 20 faxes plus, modems for 3rd party apps, 40ish remote sites, each remote site has about 3 - 5 users, connected back to main ofice v...
I have just upgraded a system to 12.4(15T) and cme 4.1 due to a bug in an earlier version.Since upgrading when a user presses the Acct softkey and starts to enter the account code the display shows "No Park Available" this is happening on all phones ...
CME RedundancyI have a site which has a 3825 with 100 users, it is connected to the pstn via an E1 line, I require some sort of redundancy at the site in the event the 3825 goes down.From this doc - >
I am unable to test this at the moment but can you apply cor lists to analog phones to block outgoing calls to certain numbersWith Thanks
I know you can backup the entire unity express voicemail from within the cue gui, but is there a way to backup a users mailbox prior to them deleting voicemails.Thanks in advance
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Member Since ‎08-24-2006 04:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 90
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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