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Level 1
Member since ‎03-02-2021

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  • 107 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 68 Helpful votes Given
  • 164 Helpful votes Received
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hi, I am getting CRYPTO-4-RECVD_PKT_INV_SPI messages for some peers I have (IKEV2/VTI). If I understand it correctly it is normal and makes my side to generate new SPI? Problem is that it looks like other side generates new SPI before lifetime expire...
hi,how can I increase number/detailes of crypto syslog messaeges logged? For example I'd like to see when rekeying was done, if there was any errors in ikev2/ipsec negotiations etc. br
hi, I have vlan with L3 interface. I have some strange traffic that is in that vlan and exits toward rest of network using that L3 interface. I need to determine source mac addr of that traffic, so I could find port where source is connected. Can I s...
hi, can I use route map on interface to chane metric for some route? something likeroute-map blablamatch some_aclset metric 100000interface some_interfacepolicy-route route-map blabla so for some network contained in some_acl I want to change metric ...
hi,my SNMP mgmt systems does not read interface traffic stats. Everything is on zero. What could be a problem? br
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-02-2021 05:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-01-2024 08:41 AM
Posts 107
Total Helpful Votes Received 164