Hi ,
Szenario :
We have a Windows 2008 Server with a TMS License, DB is installed locally.
So now we have made a setup on the new ESX-Server and installed Windows Server and installed a separately SQL-DB for TMS , we don’t want move the DB from o...
CUCM & Unity 11.5
CUCM: I have Created a Hunt List with 3 members, Hunt pilot for the Case “no Answer and Busy” forward to a DID number (335), directory number Configuration forward all calls to Voicemail
UNITY : system call handlers 335, a...
CUCM Cluster :
UCCX: Cluster (Premium) :
I would like to install the SocialMiner and have some questions and hope you can help me :
1-whiche version of SocialMiner shall or can I install , is the install ver...
Hi All,
UCCX :Version:
We have changed the Agents from CAD to Finesse some weeks ago and now I have the following question and hope somehow can help me:
We use Chrome as browser and would like to know if we have any possibility...
Hi ,
UCCX-Cluster :
System Version:
I have some question and hope you can help me :
1-what is exactly the 3rdPartyGadget folder for Finesse?
2-do I need a separate Finesse server for this Gadget or can we integrate this in UCCX?
thank you for your Support.
Shall I uninstall TMS on the old server before I use the license/option keys on the new server , I think in this case I have then two TMS-Server with the same License/Option Key?
Best Regards
Thank you for your support.
How I understood I will active or install this folder only if I have 3rdpartyGadget for Finesse , correct?
If I try to access to this page I get Page not found ???!!!
Best Regards