R Manjunatha
Level 3
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Member since ‎08-18-2021

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Hi The DMVPN tunnel was reset, which caused the BGP session to reset as well. We observed that the DMVPN crypto socket is down. What could be the issue? We suspect it might be related to the ISP, but they have reported no abnormalities in their logsD...
 I have two hub routers, R1 and R2. R1 is the primary router for the office, and R2 is the backup. R1 is connected to 8000 offices through Flex VPN. My requirement is to share the load between the two hub routers, R1 and R2. Currently, I am using the...
Hello,"The SD-WAN Viptela spoke has two connections: one for DSL primary and the other for cellular secondary. However, it consistently routes traffic through the cellular connection only. I need to redirect this traffic to the primary DSL connection...
Hi,I'm unable to ping from the R2 router IP address similarly from the R5 router as well. I configured the OSPF and static route in the R12 router and redistributed it. R12 ROUER interface Ethernet0/0ip address
Hi,I configured the MPLS over DMVPN with an IPsec tunnel for encryption. everything was good after configuring tunnel protection IPsec on the Tunnel interface, all respective router's EIGRP adjacencies are down.If any more detailed information is nee...
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Member Since ‎08-18-2021 04:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-14-2024 02:23 AM
Posts 193
Total Helpful Votes Received 59
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